Michael Clarkson


Born in Preston, England, Michael Clarkson came to Canada with his parents as a youngster.

A former top amateur athlete, Michael is an award-winning writer and author of seven books, including Intelligent Fear; Competitive Fire; Quick Fixes for Everyday Fears and The Secret Life of Glenn Gould.

Michael is an accomplished journalist, including 10 years with The Toronto Star and five years with the Calgary Herald. He has won eleven national and international awards, including being a two-time winner of the National Newspaper Awards, nominated for the Michener Award twice and a Pulitzer for his rendezvous with J.D. Salinger.

As a speaker Michael puts a new spin on stress. We can use it as well as lose it. He is engaging, dynamic, affable and affordable with keynotes chocked full of humour and content. In addition to professional speaking, Michael continues to write articles that appear in major newspapers.

In 2010, during an inspired moment, he started to build a sheltered place to write. The Fort is on the edge of wilderness. Here, Michael has found the perfect spot to reflect on life and interact with nature, including wild turkeys who respond to his voice for food. Talk about appealing to an array of audiences! He is married with two sons and one granddaughter.

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