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Speakers 2023
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All speakers 2023
Abang Mercy
CEO Hostwriter
Aborowa Ayomide
founder and creative director ìrìn travels & lifestyle media
Aboughazala Dina
founder and CEO Egab
Abrahami Eyal
co-founder and editor-in-chief Shomrim
Abram Cleo
video journalist
Addy Richard
co-founder and director AKAS
Ajala Hannah
founder We Are Black Journos
Akgun Ebru
public interest programme manager Adessium Foundation
Alagboso Chibuike
Nigeria lead Solutions Journalism Africa Initiative
Alami Aida
freelance journalist
Albadry Wafaa
newsletter editor The National News
Almamoun Ammar
freelance journalist
Alom Rahman Rafiul
founder and director The Queer Muslim Project
Althaibani Raja
senior program manager MENA WITNESS
Alvarez Sarah
founder and editor-at-large Outlier Media
Alviani Alessandro
lead generative AI Süddeutsche Zeitung Digitale Medien
Anand Ankita
journalist and poet
Antelava Natalia
co-founder and editor-in-chief Coda Story
Anyangwe Eliza
managing editor As Equals CNN
Arena Adrian
director international human rights Oak Foundation
Argoub Sabrina
lead JournalismAI Academy for Small Newsrooms
Artemenko Kirill
co-founder and CEO Paperpaper
Atieno Sharon
online news editor Science Africa
Atkins Ros
analysis editor BBC News
Attalah Lina
publisher Mada Masr
Ayyub Rana
global opinions writer The Washington Post
Babinets Anna
co-founder and editor-in-chief Slidstvo.info
Badanes Ginny
general manager Democracy Forward Microsoft
Baez Claudia
co-founder and director Cuestión Pública
Ballinger Ollie
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis University College London
Balogova Beata
editor-in-chief SME
Baratsits Alexander
founding president Cultural Broadcasting Archive
Barrett Amanda
VP news, standards & inclusion The Associated Press
Barrett Jane
global editor media news strategy Reuters
Bauomy Jasmin
senior podcast producer TRZ Media
Baydar Yavuz
media commentator
Bazzichelli Tatiana
founder and director Disruption Network Lab
Beckett Charlie
director Polis London School of Economics
Bekbulatova Taisia
founder and editor-in-chief Holod
Bell Emily
director Tow Center for Digital Journalism
Bell Fergus
co-founder and CEO Fathm
Bell Melissa
CEO Chicago Public Media
Billing Lynzy
investigative journalist
Bitterly Kourtney
global news partnerships lead YouTube
Bjorke Christian
investigative journalist Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation
Boborykin Andrey
executive director Ukrainska Pravda
Boering Lars
director European Journalism Centre
Borchardt Alexandra
journalist and author
Bosco Francesca
chief strategy and partnership officer CyberPeace Institute (via video)
Bouchart Marianne
founder and director HEI-DA
Bradley Jane
UK investigative correspondent The New York Times
Brady Jim
VP journalism Knight Foundation
Bressanin Anna
US editor BBC Reel
Brice Kim
co-founder The Self-Investigation
Bucay Yemile
journalism risk and security advisor
Byatnal Amruta
inclusive economies editor Thomson Reuters Foundation
Byk Camilla
co-founder Podium.me
Cabrera Yvette
senior reporter Center for Public Integrity
Cadwalladr Carole
feature writer The Observer
Campos Mello Patricia
columnist Folha de Sao Paulo
Cantenys Elisabet
executive director ACOS Alliance
Carson Andrea
Department of Politics, Media and Philosophy La Trobe University
Caruana Galizia Matthew
co-founder Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation
Carvalho Catarina
founder Mensagem de Lisboa
Castro Miguel
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Caswell David
founder StoryFlow
Chanda Sudeshna
Zamaneh Media
Charalambous Styli
co-founder and CEO Daily Maverick
Chavannes Ole
Democratic Voice of Burma
Chernov Mstyslav
video journalist The Associated Press
Chetwynd Phil
global news director Agence France-Presse
Cheung Paul
CEO The Center for Public Integrity
Chowdhury Miraj
founder Digitally Right
Chua Gina
executive editor Semafor
Church Will
director media freedom programmes TRF
Clarke Sarah
director ARTICLE 19 Europe
Clement Megan
editor Impact
Cockerell Isobel
senior reporter Coda Story
Collier Navaroli Anika
whistleblower Twitter
Cosson-Eide Hans
head of climate change & technology NRK News
Crabapple Molly
artist and writer
Crowley John
co-director Headlines Network
da Palma Rodrigues Sofia
co-founder and editor-in-chief Divergente
Dad Nighat
inaugural member Oversight Board
Dada Carlos
co-founder and director El Faro
Damen Rawan
director-general Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism
Darkoa Sekyiamah Nana
co-founder Institute of Journalism and Social Change
Das Abhijit
programme director Stichting Democratie en Media
Davis Jessica
senior director data initiatives & news automation USA TODAY
De Angelis Enrico
co-founder UntoldStories
de Saint-Rome Phaedra
Centre for Media, Technology & Democracy McGill Univ.
Del Rosso Emanuele
deputy director European Cartoon Award
Deltour Antoine
whistleblower LuxLeaks
Devlin Patricia
investigative journalist
di Giovanni Janine
executive director The Reckoning Project
Diakopoulos Nicholas
director Computational Journalism Lab Northwestern Univ.
Dieudonné David
lead Google News Lab France, Italy, Spain
Dip Andrea
special reporter Agência Pública
Dobrich Miguel Angel
founder and editor-in-chief Amenaza Roboto
Dojcinovic Stevan
editor-in-chief Crime and Corruption Reporting Network
Doman Mark
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Donovan Joan
research director Shorenstein Center Harvard University
Du Wei
international correspondent Channel NewsAsia
Dubberley Sam
managing director Digital Investigations Lab Human Rights Watch
Dyndykina Sveta
co-director ROMB
Dzyadko Tikhon
editor-in-chief Dozhd
Eboe-Osuji Chile
distinguished international jurist Toronto Metropolitan University
Edge Abigail
freelance journalist
Edwards Joshua
Eeman Ezra
strategy and innovation director NPO
El Deeb Sarah
investigative journalist The Associated Press
Elmer Christina
Institute for Journalism Dortmund Technical University
Eschner Kat
affordability reporter TVO
Fairclough Gordon
world coverage chief The Wall Street Journal (via video)
Faleiros Gustavo
director environmental investigations Pulitzer Center
Farag Fatemah
founder and CEO Welad Elbalad Media
Farfour Micah
special advisor for remote sensing Amnesty International
Farrow Ronan
investigative reporter The New Yorker
Finkelstein Eleonore
editor-in-chief Brut.America
Fitzgerald Mary
director expression Open Society Foundations
Fong Mei
chief communications officer Human Rights Watch
Fortman Candice
executive director Outlier Media
Fryszer Leon
CEO Krautreporter
Gaio Carlos
CEO Media Defence
Gallagher Caoilfhionn
barrister Doughty Street Chambers
Galloni Alessandra
editor-in-chief Reuters
Garside Juliette
deputy business editor The Guardian
Geiger Gabriel
investigative reporter Lighthouse Reports
Ghosh Bobby
senior editor Bloomberg
Gibbs Lisa
VP philanthropic development The Associated Press
Gicheru Catherine
director Africa Women Journalism Project
Ginsberg Jodie
CEO Committee to Protect Journalists
Goddard Louis
co-founder and head of research Data Desk
Goldberg Beth
head of research and development Jigsaw
Grady Rachel
co-owner Loki Films
Graham Carlissia
president New Media Ventures
Griffen Scott
interim executive director International Press Institute
Halgand-Mishra Delphine
executive director The Signals Network
Hamada Rachel
co-founder The Ferret
Hansen Shapiro Elizabeth
co-founder and CEO National Trust for Local News
Harper Mary
editor BBC Africa
Harris Johnny
journalist and YouTube influencer
Healy Blathnaid
executive news editor growth, social & delivery BBC News
Heawood Jonathan
executive director Public Interest News Foundation
Heinrichs Ellen
founder and CEO Bonn Institute
Hoechner Richard
co-founder and head of community Republik
Hoffman Nadine
deputy director International Women's Media Foundation
Holcova Pavla
founder investigace.cz
Hollifield Ann
media resilience expert
Howden Daniel
founder and managing director Lighthouse Reports
Hulin Adeline
head of Media and Information Literacy and Digital Competencies Unit UNESCO
Hvitved Sofie
head of media Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies
Ihekweazu Vivianne
managing director Nigeria Health Watch
Ingram Mathew
chief digital writer Columbia Journalism Review
Istomina Toma
deputy editor-in-chief The Kyiv Independent
Jackson Nicole
head of audio The Guardian
Javakhishvili Evgenia
trauma counselor SAFE program IREX
Joeres Annika
climate and environment reporter CORRECTIV
Jorgenson Dave
The Washington Post
Jovanovic Bojana
deputy editor Crime and Corruption Reporting Network
Judeaux Pierrick
director of portfolio International Fund for Public Interest Media
Kahn Gabriel
Annenberg School for Journalism USC
Kalita Mitra
co-founder URL Media
Kaphle Anup
editor-in-chief Rest of World
Kapur Ritu
co-founder and managing director Quint Digital Media Ltd
Karianjahi Josephine
co-founder Africa Podfest
Kasper Matt
co-director Vereinigung für die Demokratie
Kasriel Emily
Crossing Divides BBC
Kassova Luba
co-founder and director AKAS
Katz Marisa Mazria
executive director Center for Artistic Inquiry and Reporting
Kelly Deborah
director training and communications Thomson Foundation
Kelly Jack
founder and CEO TLDR News
Kelly Matt
founder and editor-in-chief The New European
Kelly Tara
data editor European Journalism Centre
Keng Kuek Ser Kuang
data editor environmental investigations Pulitzer Center
Kennebeck Sonia
film director and investigative journalist
Kennedy Helena
director Human Rights Institute International Bar Association
Khan Azmat
investigative reporter The New York Times
Khan Yasir
editor-in-chief Thomson Reuters Foundation
Kinetz Erika
investigative reporter The Associated Press
Koch Anne
program director Global Investigative Journalism Network
Kodjak Alison Fitzgerald
assistant managing editor ProPublica
Kofman Jeff
founder and CEO Trint
Kolpakov Ivan
co-founder and editor-in-chief Meduza
Koppen Uli
head of AI and automation lab Bayerischer Rundfunk
Korsgaard Lea
co-founder and editor-in-chief Zetland
Krawczyk Joanna
director CORRECTIV. Europe
Kropshofer Katharina
co-founder Austrian Climate Journalism Network
Kulkarni Shirish
news innovation research fellow
Kuntzman Gersh
editor-in-chief Streetsblog
Kurczabinska Justyna
senior editor news strategy & development EBU
Lai Sebastien
son of Jimmy Lai (via video)
Lakshmanan Indira
global enterprise editor The Associated Press
Latif Dahir Abdi
East Africa correspondent The New York Times
Lauda Lera
head of ABO Local Media Development Agency
Law Yao-Hua
co-founder Macaranga
Lawal Wale
founder The Republic
Lawton Chris
co-founder and director Silk Road Training
Lee Tina
editor-in-chief Unbias the News
Lehrman Sally
founder and director The Trust Project
Leontopoulos Nikolas
co-founder Reporters United
Levinson Reade
investigative reporter Reuters
Lewis Paul
head of investigations The Guardian
Lindenberg Friedrich
Lizarazo Maria Paula
environment reporter El Espectador (via video)
Loken Stavrum Kjersti
CEO Tinius Trust
Lomax Sara
co-founder URL Media
Louderback Jim
creator economy adept
Lytvynenko Jane
freelance investigative reporter
MacGann Mark
whistleblower Uber Files
Maguire Phil
chief executive Prison Radio Association
Malan Mia
editor-in-chief Bhekisisa Centre for Health Journalism
Maldonado Juan Camilo
director Mutante
Mandel Harlan
CEO Media Development Investment Fund
Marin Milena
deputy director digital investigations Amnesty International
Marzano Erika
audience development manager Deutsche Welle
Mateen Bilal
clinical technology lead Wellcome Trust
Matjasic Peter
executive director Investigate Europe
Maynard Diana
senior research fellow University of Sheffield
McClellan Kathleen
co-founder Whistleblower & Source Protection Program ExposeFacts
McVeigh Tracy
editor foundations and philanthropic projects The Guardian
Mehrotra Dhruv
investigative data reporter WIRED
Membreno Cinthia
audience loyalty manager CONFIDENCIAL
Meyer Ruona
Africa initiative manager Solutions Journalism Network
Mittal Pavni
freelance journalist
Mizon Eliz
strategy lead The Bristol Cable
Mohammed Kenneth
chief financial officer Intelligent Sanctuary
Monsalve Sanchez María Monica
América Futura El Pais (via video)
Montgomery Robb
mobile journalism expert
Moran Chris
head of editorial innovation The Guardian
Mortada Saja
manager Arab Fact-Checkers Network
Moshavi Sharon
president International Center for Journalists
Moshir Pour Pegah
activist (via video)
Moukalled Diana
co-founder and managing editor Daraj
Mujuru Linda
senior reporter Global Press Journal
Mukherjee Mitali
acting director Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Musaieva Sevgil
editor-in-chief Ukrayinska Pravda
Myint Soe
editor-in-chief and co-founder Mizzima (via video)
Myroniuk Anna
head of investigations The Kyiv Independent
Nakate Vanessa
founder Rise Up Movement (via video)
Nallu Preethi
executive director Report for the World
Narisetti Raju
partner global publishing McKinsey & Company
Nasser Afrah
journalist and non-resident fellow Arab Center
Nemitz Paul
principal advisor DG Justice European Commission
Nessa Shazna
global head of visuals The Wall Street Journal
Newby Adam
acting CEO NewsNow
Newman Elana
research director Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma
Newman Nic
senior research fellow Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Ng Esther
chief content officer Star Media Group Berhad
Nielsen Rasmus
director Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Nordholt Flora Schulte
policy & advocacy officer Free Press Unlimited
Nyabola Nanjala
journalist and author
O'Hare Columba
founder and editor Newry.ie
O’Brien Luke
research fellow Shorenstein Center
Obermaier Frederik
investigative reporter and author
Obermayer Bastian
co-founder and director Paper Trail Media
Offiong Vanessa
producer CNN Features
Okereke Caleb
co-founder and managing editor Minority Africa
Omer Salam
editor-in-chief KirkukNow
Ordoqui Agustina
freelance journalist
Otidi Amuke Isaac
co-founder and editor-in-chief Debunk Media
Otunge Daniel
deputy executive director Science Africa
Padania Sameer
director Macroscope Consultancy
Padilla Dalmau Camille
founder 9 Millones
Paliwal Ankur
founder queerbeat
Papachristou Alexander
executive director Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice
Park Jacqui
head of network strategy International Press Institute
Park Valentina
head of audience The News Movement
Parthasarathy Laxmi
chief operating officer Global Press
Parusinski Jakub
director The Fix
Páez Varela Alejandro
general director Sin Embargo
Petho Andras
co-founder and executive director Direkt36
Pfeffer Matthias
founding director Council for European Public Space
Phillips Whitney
School of Journalism & Communication Univ. of Oregon (via video)
Pilhofer Aron
chief product officer Star Tribune Media Company
Piper Imogen
motion graphics reporter The Washington Post
Piras Annalisa
film director and journalist
Podger Corinne
senior manager programs and education Walkley Foundation for Journalism
Politkovskaja Vera
journalist and author (via video)
Politzer Malia
investigative reporter Finance Uncovered
Posetti Julie
VP global research International Center for Journalists
Powell Corey
co-founder OpenMind magazine
Price Jonathan
barrister Doughty Street Chambers
Protsiuk Zakhar
chief operating officer The Kyiv Independent
Provost Claire
investigative journalist and editor
Quammen David
journalist and author (via video)
Radsch Courtney
director Center for Journalism and Liberty
Radu Paul
co-founder OCCRP
Rajvanshi Astha
staff writer Time Magazine
Rao Bhanupriya
founder and editor BehanBox
Rapoport Meron
co-founder A Land for All
Ravi Meenakshi
The Listening Post Al Jazeera English
Rees Gavin
senior advisor training & innovation Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma
Rein Ben
postdoctoral scholar in neuroscience Stanford University
Reindorp Nicola
CEO Crisis Action
Ressa Maria
co-founder and CEO Rappler
Rezaian Jason
director press freedom initiatives The Washington Post
Richard Laurent
founder and executive director Forbidden Stories
Rigaud Sandrine
editor Forbidden Stories
Rogers Gary
senior newsroom strategy consultant Fathm
Rogers Simon
data editor Google
Romanko Svitlana
founder and director Razom We Stand
Ronderos Maria Teresa
director Latin American Center for Investigative Journalism
Royaards Tjeerd
editor-in-chief Cartoon Movement
Rudenko Olga
editor-in-chief The Kyiv Independent
Rusbridger Alan
editor Prospect Magazine
Ryan Vincent
global training manager Google News Lab
Ryle Gerard
director International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
Sanchez Inzunza Alejandra
co-founder and general director Dromomanos
Sanders Jan-Willem
publisher Follow the Money
Sankin Aaron
investigative reporter The Markup
Santos Silva Dora
founder and coordinator Obi.Media
Sanusi Victoria
freelance journalist
Sawyer Ida
director Crisis and Conflict Division Human Rights Watch
Schiffrin Anya
School of International and Public Affairs Columbia University
Schiller Vivian
VP and executive director Aspen Digital
Schmidt Josephine
executive editor The New Humanitarian
Schneider Patrice
chief strategy officer Media Development Investment Fund
Schraven David
publisher CORRECTIV
Scott Nicolette
strategic partner manager YouTube News
Selva Meera
chief executive Internews Europe
Senthilingam Meera
deputy editor As Equals CNN
Serra Barbara
TV presenter and documentary-maker
Shabbir Nabeelah
senior research associate ICFJ
Shaheen Kareem
Middle East editor New Lines Magazine
Shevchenko Daryna
CEO The Kyiv Independent
Shiel Fergus
managing editor International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
Shields John
director of podcasts The Economist
Shishkin Dmitry
CEO Ringier Media International
Simantke Elisa
co-founder and editorial director Investigate Europe
Simon Felix
research associate Oxford Internet Institute
Simon Joel
founding director Journalism Protection Initiative
Sittoni Pamella Makotsi
trustee Thomson Foundation
Slemrod Annie
Middle East editor The New Humanitarian
Smart James
podcast editor Nation Media Group
Smith Galer Sophia
journalist and content creator
Solstad Sondre
senior data journalist The Economist
Sonnenfeld Isabelle
head of Google News Lab EMEA
Sorokin Oleksiy
senior editor The Kyiv Independent
Sourd Cécile
CEO Mediapart
Spring Marianna
disinformation and social media correspondent BBC
Srivastava Lina
founder Center for Transformational Change
Stehle Vince
executive director Media Impact Funders
Stelter Brian
fellow Walter Shorenstein Media and Democracy
Stenbom Agnes
head of IN/LAB
Stepanenko Vasilisa
video journalist The Associated Press
Storm Hannah
founder and co-director Headlines Network
Strick Benjamin
director of investigations Centre for Information Resilience
Suarez Eduardo
head of editorial Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Sullivan Drew
co-founder and publisher OCCRP
Szakonyi David
co-founder Anti-Corruption Data Collective
Talley Ashley
executive producer WRAL News
ter Reehorst Mick
founder and creative director Are We Europe
Tesdell Ramsey
co-founder and CEO Sowt.com
Thakur Meenal
Timberg Craig
senior editor collaborative investigations The Washington Post
Tsjeng Zing
editor-in-chief VICE
Tucker Emma
editor-in-chief The Wall Street Journal (via video)
Tunda Lepore Margaret
indigenous youth representative Maasai peoples (via video)
Turner Julia
deputy managing editor The Los Angeles Times
Urlbauer Lisa
head of journalism training Bonn Institute
Urner Maren
HMKW University of Applied Sciences Cologne
van der Loeff Sanne Schim
managing director Arena for Journalism in Europe
van Dijken Klaas
co-founder and director Lighthouse Reports
Veerasingham Daisy
president and CEO The Associated Press
Vehkoo Johanna
co-founder Long Play
Vernersson Julia
managing director Hostwriter
Vialle Elodie
senior advisor digital safety & free expression PEN America
Viana Natalia
co-founder and executive director Agencia Publica
Vidanava Iryna
co-founder Citydog.by
Vilk Viktorya
director digital safety and free expression PEN America
Vinas Silvia
executive producer and co-host El hilo
Vinter Robyn
north of England correspondent The Guardian
von Daniels Justus
editor-in-chief CORRECTIV
Voss Stefan
head of verification DPA
Walker Guevara Marina
executive editor Pulitzer Center
Walter-Brown Mary
founder and CEO News Revenue Hub
Warren Roz
audience editor Reuters
Wei Sisi
chief impact officer CalMatters
Weichert Stephan
co-founder VOCER Institute for Digital Resilience
Wenzel Fernanda
fellow Rainforest Investigations Network
Westcott Lucy
emergencies director Committee to Protect Journalists
White Rachel
EVP and executive director Associated Press Fund for Journalism
Williams Lauren
co-founder and CEO Capital B
Wilson Jamie
head of international news The Guardian
Winterhager Penelope
managing director JX Fund
Wise Holly
network strategy manager Solutions Journalism Network
Yasmin Seema
director Stanford Health Communication Initiative
Yeung Tinshui
ICFJ Knight Innovation Fellow
Yin Leon
investigative data journalist The Markup
Younis Nora
founder and editor-in-chief AlManassa News
Zanoni Carla
head of audience, marketing and analytics TED
Zappulla Antonio
CEO Thomson Reuters Foundation
Zeldin-O'Neill Sophie
deputy editor reader revenues The Guardian
Zellhuber Ana
founder Vinland Solutions
Zhou Yunyun
University of Oslo (via video)
Zwijnenburg Wim
humanitarian disarmament project leader PAX
Mercy Abang
Ayomide Aborowa
Dina Aboughazala
Eyal Abrahami
Cleo Abram
Richard Addy
Hannah Ajala
Ebru Akgun
Chibuike Alagboso
Aida Alami
Wafaa Albadry
Ammar Almamoun
Rafiul Alom Rahman
Raja Althaibani
Sarah Alvarez
Alessandro Alviani
Ankita Anand
Natalia Antelava
Eliza Anyangwe
Adrian Arena
Sabrina Argoub
Kirill Artemenko
Sharon Atieno
Ros Atkins
Lina Attalah
Rana Ayyub
Anna Babinets
Ginny Badanes
Claudia Baez
Ollie Ballinger
Beata Balogova
Alexander Baratsits
Amanda Barrett
Jane Barrett
Jasmin Bauomy
Yavuz Baydar
Tatiana Bazzichelli
Charlie Beckett
Taisia Bekbulatova
Emily Bell
Fergus Bell
Melissa Bell
Lynzy Billing
Kourtney Bitterly
Christian Bjorke
Andrey Boborykin
Lars Boering
Alexandra Borchardt
Francesca Bosco
Marianne Bouchart
Jane Bradley
Jim Brady
Anna Bressanin
Kim Brice
Yemile Bucay
Amruta Byatnal
Camilla Byk
Yvette Cabrera
Carole Cadwalladr
Patricia Campos Mello
Elisabet Cantenys
Andrea Carson
Matthew Caruana Galizia
Catarina Carvalho
Miguel Castro
David Caswell
Sudeshna Chanda
Styli Charalambous
Ole Chavannes
Mstyslav Chernov
Phil Chetwynd
Paul Cheung
Miraj Chowdhury
Gina Chua
Will Church
Sarah Clarke
Megan Clement
Isobel Cockerell
Anika Collier Navaroli
Hans Cosson-Eide
Molly Crabapple
John Crowley
Sofia da Palma Rodrigues
Nighat Dad
Carlos Dada
Rawan Damen
Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah
Abhijit Das
Jessica Davis
Enrico De Angelis
Phaedra de Saint-Rome
Emanuele Del Rosso
Antoine Deltour
Patricia Devlin
Janine di Giovanni
Nicholas Diakopoulos
David Dieudonné
Andrea Dip
Miguel Angel Dobrich
Stevan Dojcinovic
Mark Doman
Joan Donovan
Wei Du
Sam Dubberley
Sveta Dyndykina
Tikhon Dzyadko
Chile Eboe-Osuji
Abigail Edge
Joshua Edwards
Ezra Eeman
Sarah El Deeb
Christina Elmer
Kat Eschner
Gordon Fairclough
Gustavo Faleiros
Fatemah Farag
Micah Farfour
Ronan Farrow
Eleonore Finkelstein
Mary Fitzgerald
Mei Fong
Candice Fortman
Leon Fryszer
Carlos Gaio
Caoilfhionn Gallagher
Alessandra Galloni
Juliette Garside
Gabriel Geiger
Bobby Ghosh
Lisa Gibbs
Catherine Gicheru
Jodie Ginsberg
Louis Goddard
Beth Goldberg
Rachel Grady
Carlissia Graham
Scott Griffen
Delphine Halgand-Mishra
Rachel Hamada
Elizabeth Hansen Shapiro
Mary Harper
Johnny Harris
Blathnaid Healy
Jonathan Heawood
Ellen Heinrichs
Richard Hoechner
Nadine Hoffman
Pavla Holcova
Ann Hollifield
Daniel Howden
Adeline Hulin
Sofie Hvitved
Vivianne Ihekweazu
Mathew Ingram
Toma Istomina
Nicole Jackson
Evgenia Javakhishvili
Annika Joeres
Dave Jorgenson
Bojana Jovanovic
Pierrick Judeaux
Gabriel Kahn
Mitra Kalita
Anup Kaphle
Ritu Kapur
Josephine Karianjahi
Matt Kasper
Emily Kasriel
Luba Kassova
Marisa Mazria Katz
Deborah Kelly
Jack Kelly
Matt Kelly
Tara Kelly
Kuek Ser Kuang Keng
Sonia Kennebeck
Helena Kennedy
Azmat Khan
Yasir Khan
Erika Kinetz
Anne Koch
Alison Fitzgerald Kodjak
Jeff Kofman
Ivan Kolpakov
Uli Koppen
Lea Korsgaard
Joanna Krawczyk
Katharina Kropshofer
Shirish Kulkarni
Gersh Kuntzman
Justyna Kurczabinska
Sebastien Lai
Indira Lakshmanan
Abdi Latif Dahir
Lera Lauda
Yao-Hua Law
Wale Lawal
Chris Lawton
Tina Lee
Sally Lehrman
Nikolas Leontopoulos
Reade Levinson
Paul Lewis
Friedrich Lindenberg
Maria Paula Lizarazo
Kjersti Loken Stavrum
Sara Lomax
Jim Louderback
Jane Lytvynenko
Mark MacGann
Phil Maguire
Mia Malan
Juan Camilo Maldonado
Harlan Mandel
Milena Marin
Erika Marzano
Bilal Mateen
Peter Matjasic
Diana Maynard
Kathleen McClellan
Tracy McVeigh
Dhruv Mehrotra
Cinthia Membreno
Ruona Meyer
Pavni Mittal
Eliz Mizon
Kenneth Mohammed
María Monica Monsalve Sanchez
Robb Montgomery
Chris Moran
Saja Mortada
Sharon Moshavi
Pegah Moshir Pour
Diana Moukalled
Linda Mujuru
Mitali Mukherjee
Sevgil Musaieva
Soe Myint
Anna Myroniuk
Vanessa Nakate
Preethi Nallu
Raju Narisetti
Afrah Nasser
Paul Nemitz
Shazna Nessa
Adam Newby
Elana Newman
Nic Newman
Esther Ng
Rasmus Nielsen
Flora Schulte Nordholt
Nanjala Nyabola
Columba O'Hare
Luke O’Brien
Frederik Obermaier
Bastian Obermayer
Vanessa Offiong
Caleb Okereke
Salam Omer
Agustina Ordoqui
Isaac Otidi Amuke
Daniel Otunge
Sameer Padania
Camille Padilla Dalmau
Ankur Paliwal
Alexander Papachristou
Jacqui Park
Valentina Park
Laxmi Parthasarathy
Jakub Parusinski
Alejandro Páez Varela
Andras Petho
Matthias Pfeffer
Whitney Phillips
Aron Pilhofer
Imogen Piper
Annalisa Piras
Corinne Podger
Vera Politkovskaja
Malia Politzer
Julie Posetti
Corey Powell
Jonathan Price
Zakhar Protsiuk
Claire Provost
David Quammen
Courtney Radsch
Paul Radu
Astha Rajvanshi
Bhanupriya Rao
Meron Rapoport
Meenakshi Ravi
Gavin Rees
Ben Rein
Nicola Reindorp
Maria Ressa
Jason Rezaian
Laurent Richard
Sandrine Rigaud
Gary Rogers
Simon Rogers
Svitlana Romanko
Maria Teresa Ronderos
Tjeerd Royaards
Olga Rudenko
Alan Rusbridger
Vincent Ryan
Gerard Ryle
Alejandra Sanchez Inzunza
Jan-Willem Sanders
Aaron Sankin
Dora Santos Silva
Victoria Sanusi
Ida Sawyer
Anya Schiffrin
Vivian Schiller
Josephine Schmidt
Patrice Schneider
David Schraven
Nicolette Scott
Meera Selva
Meera Senthilingam
Barbara Serra
Nabeelah Shabbir
Kareem Shaheen
Daryna Shevchenko
Fergus Shiel
John Shields
Dmitry Shishkin
Elisa Simantke
Felix Simon
Joel Simon
Pamella Makotsi Sittoni
Annie Slemrod
James Smart
Sophia Smith Galer
Sondre Solstad
Isabelle Sonnenfeld
Oleksiy Sorokin
Cécile Sourd
Marianna Spring
Lina Srivastava
Vince Stehle
Brian Stelter
Agnes Stenbom
Vasilisa Stepanenko
Hannah Storm
Benjamin Strick
Eduardo Suarez
Drew Sullivan
David Szakonyi
Ashley Talley
Mick ter Reehorst
Ramsey Tesdell
Meenal Thakur
Craig Timberg
Zing Tsjeng
Emma Tucker
Margaret Tunda Lepore
Julia Turner
Lisa Urlbauer
Maren Urner
Sanne Schim van der Loeff
Klaas van Dijken
Daisy Veerasingham
Johanna Vehkoo
Julia Vernersson
Elodie Vialle
Natalia Viana
Iryna Vidanava
Viktorya Vilk
Silvia Vinas
Robyn Vinter
Justus von Daniels
Stefan Voss
Marina Walker Guevara
Mary Walter-Brown
Roz Warren
Sisi Wei
Stephan Weichert
Fernanda Wenzel
Lucy Westcott
Rachel White
Lauren Williams
Jamie Wilson
Penelope Winterhager
Holly Wise
Seema Yasmin
Tinshui Yeung
Leon Yin
Nora Younis
Carla Zanoni
Antonio Zappulla
Sophie Zeldin-O'Neill
Ana Zellhuber
Yunyun Zhou
Wim Zwijnenburg