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Speakers 2019
from outside Italy
All speakers 2019
Abbas Zaffar
editor Dawn
Adhikari Abhay
founder Digital Identities
Afshar Sara
founder Afshar Films
Akbar Arifa
theatre critic The Guardian
Al Khatib Hadi
founder The Syrian Archive
al-Ahmad Safa
freelance journalist and film-maker
al-Bunni Anwar
human rights lawyer
Alaphilippe Alexandre
executive director EU DisinfoLab
Albadry Wafaa
newsletter editor The National News
Albeanu Catalina
digital editor DoR
Alfter Brigitte
director Arena for Journalism in Europe
Alibhai-Brown Yasmin
journalist and author
Alonso Virginia
coeditor-in-chief Público
Amado Guilherme
Amditis Joe
associate director Center for Cooperative Media
Amordeluso Max
EU lead evangelist Amazon Alexa
Anderson Jon Lee
The New Yorker
Andreasyan Karen
editor-in-chief Shabat.am
Andrigo Santiago
product manager Jigsaw
Angwin Julia
founder Proof News
Antelava Natalia
co-founder and editor-in-chief Coda Story
Anyangwe Eliza
editor-in-chief The Fuller Project
Ashton Beth
head of audience & subscriptions The Telegraph
Atkins Ros
analysis editor BBC News
Attalah Lina
publisher Mada Masr
Authers John
senior editor Bloomberg
Ayyub Rana
global opinions writer The Washington Post
Babinets Anna
co-founder and editor-in-chief Slidstvo.info
Baig Anila
Asian Life
Baker Hazel
global head of UGC newsgathering Reuters
Bakir Vian
School of Music and Media Bangor University
Ball James
political editor The New European
Balogova Beata
editor-in-chief SME
Barnathan Joyce
president ICFJ
Barrett Jane
global editor media news strategy Reuters
Basu Soma
founder ReporterAtLarge
Baumhauer Guido
managing director Deutsche Welle
Baydar Yavuz
blogger and media expert
Bayer Julia
founder @quiztime
Beckett Charlie
director Polis London School of Economics
Bell Fergus
co-founder and CEO Fathm
Bice Ed
CEO and board chair Meedan
Black Richard
director Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit
Blaustein Sim
partner Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments
Boardman David
Temple University
Boas Mark
media technologist
Bodoky Tamas
editor and director Atlatszo.hu
Borchardt Alexandra
journalist and author
Bouyer Anne-Lise
head of product & technology Correctiv
Bradshaw Paul
Birmingham City University
Brandel Jennifer
co-founder and CEO Hearken
Bronzwaer Stijn
deputy editor-in-chief NRC
Brooke Heather
Department of Journalism City University
Buelow Guido
head of news partnerships Central Europe Meta
Bukhari Gul
The Print
Bumb Christoph
founder & managing director Reporter.lu
Burns Thomas
creative director Coda Story
Camps Oscar
founder and director Open Arms
Cancela Kieffer Michaela
editor audio Agence France-Presse
Candea Stefan
co-founder and coordinator EIC
Caruana Galizia Matthew
co-founder Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation
Caselli Irene
The Correspondent
Castro Miguel
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Chabel Annie
COO Center for Investigative Reporting
Chandler Caitlin
freelance journalist
Changoiwala Puja
freelance journalist
Chinnappa Madhav
VP partnerships Human Native AI
Coker Margaret
Coda Story
Collins Chris
head of breaking news Bloomberg
Conroy Paul
photojournalist and documentary-maker
Copeland Rafiq
humanitarian advisor Internews (Myanmar)
Corin Jaclyn
co-founder March For Our Lives
Corp Rachel
acting editor ITV News
Cox Joseph
cyber-security reporter Motherboard
Cox-Brooker Sian
strategic partner manager Facebook
Craufurd Smith Rachael
University of Edinburgh
Cristoforetti Samantha
Crowley John
co-director Headlines Network
Csikszentmihályi Chris
Madeira Interactive Technology Institute
Cusick James
editor openMedia
Dachwitz Ingo
Dake Swantje
editor Stuttgarter Zeitung & Stuttgarter Nachrichten
Darbishire Helen
founder and director Access Info Europe
del Ser Guiomar
co-director ElPais_Lab
Derakhshan Hossein
author and media researcher (via video)
Devichand Mukul
editor of programming New York Times Audio
Di Salvo Philip
visiting fellow London School of Economics
Dieudonné David
lead Google News Lab France, Italy, Spain
Dobmeier Steffi
head of digital and editorial development STERN
Donovan Joan
research director Shorenstein Center Harvard University
Doolittle Robyn
The Globe and Mail
Doub Jesper
media advisor
Doward Laura
publishers marketing manager Google EMEA
Dragomir Marius
director Center for Media, Data and Society
Dreyfus Suelette
University of Melbourne
Druker Jeremy
executive director Transitions
Dunne Daisy
Carbon Brief
Dutton Bill
senior fellow Oxford Internet Institute
Dzhambazova Boryana
freelance journalist
Egenter Sven
editor-in-chief Clean Energy Wire
Ejeilat Lina
co-founder and executive editor 7iber.com
El Wardani Lina
Ahram Online
El-Baghdadi Iyad
fellow Civita
El-Sirgany Sarah
CNN International
Elliott Solomon
founder The Student View
Elmer Christina
Institute for Journalism Dortmund Technical University
English Kathy
VP content Integrity & editorial standards Dotdash
Entwistle Alex
BBC Radio 5 Live
Erkkila Mattias
managing editor Svenska Yle
Esser Sebastian
founder and editor Krautreporter
Essex Lisa
media development advisor
Evans Taneth
head of audience development The Times
Faigle Philip
special projects editor Zeit Online
Fanta Alexander
Farag Fatemah
founder and CEO Welad Elbalad Media
Farano Adriano
founder and CEO Pactio
Fichter Adrienne
Fichter Alina
journalist and consultant
Filloux Frédéric
editor Monday Note
Fitzgerald Mary
media expert
Fleeting Karyn
head of audience engagement Reach
Franceschi-Bicchierai Lorenzo
Freeman Lucy
CEO Media Legal Defence Initiative
Froio Caterina
Centre for European Studies Sciences Po
Frost Vicky
executive editor lifestyle HuffPost UK
Frostberg Thomas
Dagens Industri/Sydsvenskan/Bonnier News
Galdon-Clavell Gemma
founder Eticas Research and Consulting
Galperin Simon
director Community Information Cooperative
Gambini Letizia
European Journalism Centre
Geels Kathryn
director Engaged Journalism Accelerator
Genc Kaya
journalist and author
Gensch Stephan
head of product development Vragments
Geoghegan Peter
editor-in-chief and CEO openDemocracy
Georgiou Patricia
head of partnerships Jigsaw
Gergely Marton
editor HVG
Ghosh Bobby
senior editor Bloomberg
Gibson Janine
editor FT Weekend
Gibson Tom
Committee to Protect Journalists
Gillmor Dan
co-founder News Co/Lab Arizona State University (via video)
Goligoski Emily
senior director audience research The Atlantic
Gonzalez Theran Julieth
Goodman Emma
Department of Media and Communications LSE
Goodman Garrett
VP sales Papercup
Gornicki Jakub
co-founder Outriders
Goslinga Maaike
managing editor De Correspondent
Green-Barber Lindsay
founder Impact Architects
Greenberg Ilan
publisher & editorial director Coda Media
Gregory Sam
executive director WITNESS
Grzeszyk Tabea
founder Hostwriter
Gyenes Nat
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Haeg Andrew
founder and CEO GroundSource
Haikarainen Riikka
founder Black Box Helsingin Sanomat
Halikiopoulou Daphne
University of Reading
Hamada Rachel
co-founder The Ferret
Hansen Shapiro Elizabeth
co-founder and CEO National Trust for Local News
Hasan Majdoleen
Global Investigative Journalism Network
Hasan Roohi
ITV News
Hayden Sally
freelance journalist
Healy Blathnaid
executive news editor growth, social & delivery BBC News
Heath Ryan
political editor Politico Europe
Heaver Michael
founder Westmonster.com
Hekman Ludo
co-founder Lighthouse Reports
Herfroy-Mischler Alexandra
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Hoechner Richard
co-founder and head of community Republik
Hogg David
co-founder March For Our Lives
Holcova Pavla
founder investigace.cz
Holm Jenny
Houston Brant
Knight Chair University of Illinois
Howard Emma
Hylton Annie
freelance journalist
Iastrebner Mijal
co-founder & executive director SembraMedia
Ibrahim Abubakar
features editor Daily Trust
Ingram Mathew
chief digital writer Columbia Journalism Review
Irazabal Ane
freelance journalist
Ireton Cherilyn
executive director World Editors Forum
Jackson Jasper
tech editor The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Jakimovska Ana
director product management The Guardian
Jarboe Caroline
Global Investigative Journalism Network
Jarvis Jeff
journalist and author
Jeffers Sam
co-founder Who Targets Me?
Jenkins Joy
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Jimenez Cruz Clara
co-founder Maldita
Jolley Rachael
editor Index on Censorship
Jones Lyndsey
executive editor The Financial Times
Juma Mercy
BBC Africa
Kamal Donia
journalist and author
Kaplan David
executive director GIJN
Kaplan Renée
head of news ARTE
Kapur Ritu
co-founder and managing director Quint Digital Media Ltd
Karas Tania
managing editor Refugees Deeply
Karim Benazir
founder and director E-Motion Productions
Kauffmann Sylvie
columnist Le Monde
Kelly Annie
editor Rights and Freedom project The Guardian
Kelly Deborah
director training and communications Thomson Foundation
Kerpius Pamela
freelance journalist
Kerr Aine
COO and co-founder Kinzen
Ketchell Misha
editor The Conversation Australia and New Zealand
Khan Stephen
editor-in-chief The Conversation UK
Knell Dwight
program lead Credibility Coalition
Knoll Soloff Andalusia
freelance video producer
Koch Tanit
editor-in-chief Central Newsroom RTL
Komuves Anita
Korsgaard Lea
co-founder and editor-in-chief Zetland
Kotrikadze Ekaterina
deputy editor-in-chief RTVI
Kretschmer Simon
managing director Correctiv
Krogsgaard Ole
immersive journalism editor Euronews
Kueng Lucy
senior visiting research associate RISJ
Kuttab Daoud
founder and director Community Media Network
Kwong Robin
new formats editor The Wall Street Journal
Lakshmanan Indira
ideas and opinion editor U.S. News & World Report
Lalwani Nishant
CEO International Fund for Public Interest Media
Lashmar Paul
deputy head of journalism City University
Lauder Silvie
Lecomte Lies
head of digital projects De Standaard
Lehrman Sally
founder and director The Trust Project
Levy David
senior research fellow RISJ
Little Mark
media entrepreneur and consultant
Liubakova Hanna
freelance journalist
Lofgren Emma
digital news editor
Louderback Jim
creator economy adept
Louette Pierre
CEO Groupe Les Echos–Le Parisien
Lucero Megan
director The Bureau Local
Lupsa Cristian
media consultant
Ma Olivia
director Google News Lab
Maier Astrid
deputy editor-in-chief dpa
Malek Alia
journalist and author
Marshall Andrew
special correspondent Reuters
Martin-Kessler Florence
founder and CEO Live Magazine
Martinson Jane
journalist and author
Mathiason Nick
co-founder Finance Uncovered
Mbugua-Ndichu Janet
TV anchor and journalist
McCann Samantha
Solutions Journalism Network
McNeish Hannah
freelance journalist
Meyer Josh
journalist and author
Michel Amanda
global director of contributions The Guardian
Milan Stefania
University of Amsterdam
Milne Claudia
senior editor video ProPublica
Milosevic Mira
executive director Global Forum for Media Development
Moll Jakob
co-founder and international director Zetland
Montgomery Robb
mobile journalism expert
Moore Martin
King's College University of London
Mora Roca Alba
executive producer AJ+ Español
Morales Agus
editor-in-chief Revista 5W
Mosley Tonya
Silicon Valley bureau chief KQED
Muscat Caroline
co-founder and editor The Shift News
Myles Paul
head of editorial On Our Radar
Nelson Mark
Center for International Media Assistance
Nemitz Paul
College of Europe
Nessa Shazna
global head of visuals The Wall Street Journal
Newman Nic
senior research fellow Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Newmark Craig
founder Craig Newmark Philanthropies
Nielsen Rasmus
director Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
North Andrew
freelance journalist
Nougayrède Natalie
editorial board member The Guardian
O’Mahony Jennifer
freelance journalist
O’Shea Mary
head of programmes Rory Peck Trust
Obermaier Frederik
investigative reporter and author
Obradovic Dragana
director BIRN Serbia
Oosterhof Lippe
head of product Yahoo News
Ostling Alina
Global Citizenship Observatory
Otter Alastair
managing partner Media Hack Collective
Owens Erika
director OpenNews
Padania Sameer
director Macroscope Consultancy
Painter James
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Paniagua Esther
freelance journalist
Parameswaran Gayatri
co-founder NowHere Media
Park Jacqui
head of network strategy International Press Institute
Parusinski Jakub
director The Fix
Patrucic Miranda
editor-in-chief OCCRP
Peco Dragana
investigative journalist KRIK
Peszkowska Alicja
director Outriders Network
Petho Andras
co-founder and executive director Direkt36
Pilhofer Aron
chief product officer Star Tribune Media Company
Pinheiro Daniela
columnist UOL
Podger Corinne
senior manager programs and education Walkley Foundation for Journalism
Porlezza Colin
Department of Journalism City University
Posetti Julie
VP global research International Center for Journalists
Prest Victoria
Local Democracy Reporting Service BBC
Pugliese Karyn
Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
Putman Stan
de Volkskrant
Qazi Shereena
Al Jazeera English
Radsch Courtney
director Center for Journalism and Liberty
Radu Paul
co-founder OCCRP
Ramani Priya
Ramdani Redouane
co-founder and CEO Snipfeed
Ramirez Maria
director of strategy eldiario.es
Randeree Bilal
chief program officer Media Development Investment Fund
Rath-Wiggins Linda
co-founder and CEO Vragments
Rauch Jennifer
Long Island University
Ressa Maria
co-founder and CEO Rappler
Reuter Stephanie
director Rudolf Augstein Foundation
Richard Laurent
founder and executive director Forbidden Stories
Rispoli Mike
director News Voices Project at Free Press
Rohr Lucy
Snapchat editor The Economist
Rosen Jay
Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute New York Univ.
Ross Alice
Unearthed Greenpeace UK
Rossini Carolina
director RightsCon
Roughol Isabelle
media consultant
Ruetten Wilfried
ex director European Journalism Centre
Ruffenach Pascal
CEO Groupe Bayard
Rusbridger Alan
editor Prospect Magazine
Russell Adrienne
University of Washington
Ryle Gerard
director International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
Salahuddin Aliya
freelance journalist
Salahuddin Hassan
strategic partner manager Facebook
Salinas Brenda
news partnerships Google
Salvesen Ingerid
freelance journalist
Sarant Louise
freelance journalist
Schiffrin Anya
School of International and Public Affairs Columbia University
Schiller Vivian
VP and executive director Aspen Digital
Schraven David
publisher CORRECTIV
Schroem Oliver
editor-in-chief Correctiv
Schulmeister Philipp
Public Opinion Monitoring Unit EU Parliament
Schultz Dan
Bad Idea Factory
Schulz Daniela
Deutsche Welle
Schwarz Gabriella
managing editor Flipboard
Selva Meera
chief executive Internews Europe
Serra Barbara
Sky News UK (via video)
Settles Ross
independent researcher and investor
Severinson John
strategic media partnerships Nordics Facebook
Shapiro Jake
co-founder and CEO RadioPublic
Sharpley Anneka
news partnerships manager Google EMEA
Shevchenko Inna
leader Femen
Shmagun Olesya
freelance journalist
Shryock Ricci
freelance journalist
Siddiqui Taha
founder safenewsrooms.org
Sierakowski Slawomir
founder and leader Krytyka Polityczna
Sigal Ivan
executive director Global Voices
Smith Myles
senior director Internews
Smits Rosan
editor-in-chief De Correspondent
Smolkin Rachel
executive editor CNN Politics
Sodomkova Magdalena
freelance journalist
Solé Carola
freelance journalist
Solberg Helje
news director NRK
Soon Alan
co-founder and CEO Splice Media
Spangenberg Jochen
deputy head of research and cooperation projects Deutsche Welle
Stancati Margherita
Middle East correspondent WSJ
Standage Tom
deputy editor The Economist
Stanescu Sorana
managing editor Decât o Revistă
Stanko Anastasiia
co-founder Hromadske
Stein Jonathan
managing editor Project Syndicate
Storm Hannah
founder and co-director Headlines Network
Strick Benjamin
director of investigations Centre for Information Resilience
Suarez Eduardo
head of editorial Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Sullivan Drew
co-founder and publisher OCCRP
Sun Qian
freelance journalist
Tahhan Abdulwahab
senior Syria researcher Airwars (via Skype)
Tambini Damian
Department of Media and Communications LSE
Thimmig Ulrika
partner solutions manager Northern Europe Meta
Thomas Adam
founder Evenly Distributed
Thompson Carolyn
freelance journalist
Thordar Inga
media executive
Timcke Marie-Louise
director Funke Interaktiv
Toader Anca
journalism training editor BBC Media Action
Trew Bel
The Independent
Trewinnard Tom
executive director Syli
Trigg Simon
head of commercial Shorthand
Tung Nicole
photojournalist (via video)
Turvey Natalie
president and executive director Canadian Journalism Foundation
Ubaud Anu
Helsingin Sanomat
Udobang Wana
freelance journalist & documentary filmmaker
Valentine Sue
director media and expression Open Society Foundations
Valuch Jaroslav
project manager Transitions
Varenytsia Inna
freelance visual journalist
Vasilescu Mario
co-founder and CEO Readocracy
Verheyden Tim
VRT News
Vincent Emmanuel
founder Climate Feedback
von Daniels Justus
editor-in-chief CORRECTIV
von Reppert-Bismarck Juliane
founder & CEO Lie Detectors
Wagner Tilman
publisher @quiztime
Walker Melanie
executive director WAN-IFRA Women in News
Wallace Arturo
BBC Mundo
Walter-Brown Mary
founder and CEO News Revenue Hub
Warungu Joseph
director Top Story
Waters Nick
open-source analyst Bellingcat
Weber Konrad
head of digital strategy SRF
Webster Joanna
managing editor strategy & operations Reuters
White Rachel
EVP and executive director Associated Press Fund for Journalism
Woog Carl
head of communications WhatsApp
Wyns Arthur
Climate Tracker
Yasmin Seema
director Stanford Health Communication Initiative
Young Annette
creator and host The 51 Percent France 24 Television
Young Hannah
Center for Investigative Reporting
Yousuf Hani
freelance journalist
Zachrison Olle
head of AI and news strategy Swedish Radio
Zelenko Laura
senior executive editor Bloomberg Editorial
Zielina Anita
founder and CEO Better Leaders Lab
Zingales Luigi
Booth School of Business University of Chicago
Ziomecka Zuzanna
founder and editor-in-chief NewsMavens
Zirulnick Ariel
audience and product consultant
Zwijnenburg Wim
humanitarian disarmament project leader PAX
Zaffar Abbas
Abhay Adhikari
Sara Afshar
Arifa Akbar
Hadi Al Khatib
Safa al-Ahmad
Anwar al-Bunni
Alexandre Alaphilippe
Wafaa Albadry
Catalina Albeanu
Brigitte Alfter
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Virginia Alonso
Guilherme Amado
Joe Amditis
Max Amordeluso
Jon Lee Anderson
Karen Andreasyan
Santiago Andrigo
Julia Angwin
Natalia Antelava
Eliza Anyangwe
Beth Ashton
Ros Atkins
Lina Attalah
John Authers
Rana Ayyub
Anna Babinets
Anila Baig
Hazel Baker
Vian Bakir
James Ball
Beata Balogova
Joyce Barnathan
Jane Barrett
Soma Basu
Guido Baumhauer
Yavuz Baydar
Julia Bayer
Charlie Beckett
Fergus Bell
Ed Bice
Richard Black
Sim Blaustein
David Boardman
Mark Boas
Tamas Bodoky
Alexandra Borchardt
Anne-Lise Bouyer
Paul Bradshaw
Jennifer Brandel
Stijn Bronzwaer
Heather Brooke
Guido Buelow
Gul Bukhari
Christoph Bumb
Thomas Burns
Oscar Camps
Michaela Cancela Kieffer
Stefan Candea
Matthew Caruana Galizia
Irene Caselli
Miguel Castro
Annie Chabel
Caitlin Chandler
Puja Changoiwala
Madhav Chinnappa
Margaret Coker
Chris Collins
Paul Conroy
Rafiq Copeland
Jaclyn Corin
Rachel Corp
Joseph Cox
Sian Cox-Brooker
Rachael Craufurd Smith
Samantha Cristoforetti
John Crowley
Chris Csikszentmihályi
James Cusick
Ingo Dachwitz
Swantje Dake
Helen Darbishire
Guiomar del Ser
Hossein Derakhshan
Mukul Devichand
Philip Di Salvo
David Dieudonné
Steffi Dobmeier
Joan Donovan
Robyn Doolittle
Jesper Doub
Laura Doward
Marius Dragomir
Suelette Dreyfus
Jeremy Druker
Daisy Dunne
Bill Dutton
Boryana Dzhambazova
Sven Egenter
Lina Ejeilat
Lina El Wardani
Iyad El-Baghdadi
Sarah El-Sirgany
Solomon Elliott
Christina Elmer
Kathy English
Alex Entwistle
Mattias Erkkila
Sebastian Esser
Lisa Essex
Taneth Evans
Philip Faigle
Alexander Fanta
Fatemah Farag
Adriano Farano
Adrienne Fichter
Alina Fichter
Frédéric Filloux
Mary Fitzgerald
Karyn Fleeting
Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai
Lucy Freeman
Caterina Froio
Vicky Frost
Thomas Frostberg
Gemma Galdon-Clavell
Simon Galperin
Letizia Gambini
Kathryn Geels
Kaya Genc
Stephan Gensch
Peter Geoghegan
Patricia Georgiou
Marton Gergely
Bobby Ghosh
Janine Gibson
Tom Gibson
Dan Gillmor
Emily Goligoski
Julieth Gonzalez Theran
Emma Goodman
Garrett Goodman
Jakub Gornicki
Maaike Goslinga
Lindsay Green-Barber
Ilan Greenberg
Sam Gregory
Tabea Grzeszyk
Nat Gyenes
Andrew Haeg
Riikka Haikarainen
Daphne Halikiopoulou
Rachel Hamada
Elizabeth Hansen Shapiro
Majdoleen Hasan
Roohi Hasan
Sally Hayden
Blathnaid Healy
Ryan Heath
Michael Heaver
Ludo Hekman
Alexandra Herfroy-Mischler
Richard Hoechner
David Hogg
Pavla Holcova
Jenny Holm
Brant Houston
Emma Howard
Annie Hylton
Mijal Iastrebner
Abubakar Ibrahim
Mathew Ingram
Ane Irazabal
Cherilyn Ireton
Jasper Jackson
Ana Jakimovska
Caroline Jarboe
Jeff Jarvis
Sam Jeffers
Joy Jenkins
Clara Jimenez Cruz
Rachael Jolley
Lyndsey Jones
Mercy Juma
Donia Kamal
David Kaplan
Renée Kaplan
Ritu Kapur
Tania Karas
Benazir Karim
Sylvie Kauffmann
Annie Kelly
Deborah Kelly
Pamela Kerpius
Aine Kerr
Misha Ketchell
Stephen Khan
Dwight Knell
Andalusia Knoll Soloff
Tanit Koch
Anita Komuves
Lea Korsgaard
Ekaterina Kotrikadze
Simon Kretschmer
Ole Krogsgaard
Lucy Kueng
Daoud Kuttab
Robin Kwong
Indira Lakshmanan
Nishant Lalwani
Paul Lashmar
Silvie Lauder
Lies Lecomte
Sally Lehrman
David Levy
Mark Little
Hanna Liubakova
Emma Lofgren
Jim Louderback
Pierre Louette
Megan Lucero
Cristian Lupsa
Olivia Ma
Astrid Maier
Alia Malek
Andrew Marshall
Florence Martin-Kessler
Jane Martinson
Nick Mathiason
Janet Mbugua-Ndichu
Samantha McCann
Hannah McNeish
Josh Meyer
Amanda Michel
Stefania Milan
Claudia Milne
Mira Milosevic
Jakob Moll
Robb Montgomery
Martin Moore
Alba Mora Roca
Agus Morales
Tonya Mosley
Caroline Muscat
Paul Myles
Mark Nelson
Paul Nemitz
Shazna Nessa
Nic Newman
Craig Newmark
Rasmus Nielsen
Andrew North
Natalie Nougayrède
Jennifer O’Mahony
Mary O’Shea
Frederik Obermaier
Dragana Obradovic
Lippe Oosterhof
Alina Ostling
Alastair Otter
Erika Owens
Sameer Padania
James Painter
Esther Paniagua
Gayatri Parameswaran
Jacqui Park
Jakub Parusinski
Miranda Patrucic
Dragana Peco
Alicja Peszkowska
Andras Petho
Aron Pilhofer
Daniela Pinheiro
Corinne Podger
Colin Porlezza
Julie Posetti
Victoria Prest
Karyn Pugliese
Stan Putman
Shereena Qazi
Courtney Radsch
Paul Radu
Priya Ramani
Redouane Ramdani
Maria Ramirez
Bilal Randeree
Linda Rath-Wiggins
Jennifer Rauch
Maria Ressa
Stephanie Reuter
Laurent Richard
Mike Rispoli
Lucy Rohr
Jay Rosen
Alice Ross
Carolina Rossini
Isabelle Roughol
Wilfried Ruetten
Pascal Ruffenach
Alan Rusbridger
Adrienne Russell
Gerard Ryle
Aliya Salahuddin
Hassan Salahuddin
Brenda Salinas
Ingerid Salvesen
Louise Sarant
Anya Schiffrin
Vivian Schiller
David Schraven
Oliver Schroem
Philipp Schulmeister
Dan Schultz
Daniela Schulz
Gabriella Schwarz
Meera Selva
Barbara Serra
Ross Settles
John Severinson
Jake Shapiro
Anneka Sharpley
Inna Shevchenko
Olesya Shmagun
Ricci Shryock
Taha Siddiqui
Slawomir Sierakowski
Ivan Sigal
Myles Smith
Rosan Smits
Rachel Smolkin
Magdalena Sodomkova
Carola Solé
Helje Solberg
Alan Soon
Jochen Spangenberg
Margherita Stancati
Tom Standage
Sorana Stanescu
Anastasiia Stanko
Jonathan Stein
Hannah Storm
Benjamin Strick
Eduardo Suarez
Drew Sullivan
Qian Sun
Abdulwahab Tahhan
Damian Tambini
Ulrika Thimmig
Adam Thomas
Carolyn Thompson
Inga Thordar
Marie-Louise Timcke
Anca Toader
Bel Trew
Tom Trewinnard
Simon Trigg
Nicole Tung
Natalie Turvey
Anu Ubaud
Wana Udobang
Sue Valentine
Jaroslav Valuch
Inna Varenytsia
Mario Vasilescu
Tim Verheyden
Emmanuel Vincent
Justus von Daniels
Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck
Tilman Wagner
Melanie Walker
Arturo Wallace
Mary Walter-Brown
Joseph Warungu
Nick Waters
Konrad Weber
Joanna Webster
Rachel White
Carl Woog
Arthur Wyns
Seema Yasmin
Annette Young
Hannah Young
Hani Yousuf
Olle Zachrison
Laura Zelenko
Anita Zielina
Luigi Zingales
Zuzanna Ziomecka
Ariel Zirulnick
Wim Zwijnenburg