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Speakers 2018
from outside Italy
All speakers 2018
Abdallah Myra
Women in News MENA program manager
Abdel-Fattah Wael
founder Medina
Abu-Fadil Magda
director Media Unlimited
Adair Bill
Sanford School of Public Policy Duke Univ.
Adly Malek
human rights lawyer (via Skype)
Aisch Gregor
CTO Datawrapper
Akkad Fares
head of media partnerships MEAT Facebook
Al-Maghafi Nawal
lead international correspondent BBC Newsnight
Albrecht Yoeri
board president Vereniging Veronica/V-Ventures
Alemanno Alberto
Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales Paris
Alfter Brigitte
director Arena for Journalism in Europe
Algera Geertje
founder Geertje Algera Media
Alibhai-Brown Yasmin
journalist and author
Amordeluso Max
EU lead evangelist Amazon Alexa
Anderson Chris
School of Media & Communication Leeds Univ.
Andersson Jasmine
Angwin Julia
founder Proof News
Antelava Natalia
co-founder and editor-in-chief Coda Story
Arenstein Justin
director Code For Africa
Arnold Phoebe
head of communications Full Fact
Attalah Lina
publisher Mada Masr
Avila Renata
CEO Open Knowledge Foundation
Azzopardi Jason
lawyer and politician
Bale Peter
launch editor WikiTribune
Bardy Peter
editor-in-chief Aktuality.sk
Barnathan Joyce
president ICFJ
Barr Caelainn
The Guardian
Barrett Jane
global editor media news strategy Reuters
Bartlett Quintanilla Pam
Greens/EFA European Parliament
Baskerville Alison
editorial safety specialist Reuters
Baumhauer Guido
managing director Deutsche Welle
Baydar Yavuz
blogger and media expert
Beckett Charlie
director Polis London School of Economics
Bell Fergus
co-founder and CEO Fathm
Belmonte Eva
managing editor Civio
Benedict Annmarie
Social Change Initiative
Berger Guy
director freedom of expression UNESCO
Bertoni Fabio
general counsel The New Yorker
Best Jessica
engagement editor De Correspondent
Bice Ed
CEO and board chair Meedan
Blecher Ludovic
head of Google News Initiative Innovation
Boersma Ans
Turkey correspondent Het Financieele Dagblad
Borchardt Alexandra
journalist and author
Boros Crina
Bosco Francesca
chief strategy and partnership officer CyberPeace Institute (via video)
Bouchart Marianne
founder and director HEI-DA
Bouhs Daniel
media correspondent ARD
Braddock Kevin
founder Torchlight System
Brandel Jennifer
co-founder and CEO Hearken
Brock George
journalist and author
Brodnig Ingrid
columnist Profil
Brown Sarah
head of UK/Ireland news partnerships Facebook
Brusini Hervé
director FranceInfo
Buchner Wolfgang
chief content officer Madsack Media Group
Bui Kim
editor-at-large NowThis News
Callan Aela
film-maker and journalist
Callison Candis
University of British Columbia
Campbell Fiona
controller of mobile and online BBC News
Candea Stefan
co-founder and coordinator EIC
Cardi Valeria
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Carvin Andy
senior editor-at-large NowThis News
Caselli Irene
The Correspondent
Castro Miguel
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Cherubini Federica
director leadership development RISJ
Chinnappa Madhav
VP partnerships Human Native AI
Choate Natalie
director media partnerships The Texas Tribune
Choi Jennifer
News Integrity Initiative CUNY
Choo Ching Yee
freelance journalist
Clark Duncan
co-founder Kiln
Clark Nick
environment editor Al Jazeera English (via Skype)
Clement Megan
editor Impact
Cohn David
senior director Advance Digital
Constantaras Eva
data journalist
Cooke Matt
head of Google News Lab
Cox Joseph
cyber-security reporter Motherboard
Craig Iona
freelance journalist
Crowley John
co-director Headlines Network
Curtis Polly
editor and partner Tortoise
Dachary Loic
free software developer
Dag Pinar
Kadir Has University
Daniel Ina
freelance journalist
Danzico Matt
founder NBC Left Field
Darbishire Helen
founder and director Access Info Europe
de Aguiar Molly
managing director News Integrity Initiative
Debesai Temesghen
freelance journalist
Deckelbaum Yael
singer-songwriter and activist
Dehon Estelle
barrister Cornerstone Barristers
Delic Anuska
founder Ostro
Deljkic Rima
European Commission Representation in Croatia
Derakhshan Hossein
author and media researcher (via video)
DeVigal Andrew
Agora Journalism Center University of Oregon
Dheere Jessica
director Ranking Digital Rights
Di Salvo Philip
visiting fellow London School of Economics
Dixon Tim
co-founder More In Common
Dobmeier Steffi
head of digital and editorial development STERN
Dogramaci Esra
senior digital editor Deutsche Welle
Dreyfus Jean-Marc
University of Manchester
Dreyfus Louis
CEO Group Le Monde
Dubberley Sam
managing director Digital Investigations Lab Human Rights Watch
Dzieciolowski Krzysztof
founder and CEO Vision House
Eeman Ezra
strategy and innovation director NPO
Eickhout Bas
MEP GroenLinks
Eilabouni Meera
Women Wage Peace
El Wardani Lina
Ahram Online
Elliott Chris
trustee Ethical Journalism Network
Ellison Marc
Elmer Christina
Institute for Journalism Dortmund Technical University
Emmott Bill
journalist and author
Fae Jane
journalist and author
Faigle Philip
special projects editor Zeit Online
Farag Fatemah
founder and CEO Welad Elbalad Media
Farano Adriano
founder and CEO Pactio
Fasciaux Nina
director partnerships team Solutions Journalism Network
Faulkner Penelope
vice pres. Action for Democracy in Vietnam
Feinstein Anthony
University of Toronto
Felle Tom
Department of Journalism City University
Ferris-Rotman Amie
Moscow correspondent Washington Post
Figl Bettina
Wiener Zeitung
Firmian Ilaria
senior technical specialist on indigenous peoples IFAD
Francis Vivienne
director Refugee Journalism Project
Frankel Mark
incoming director content operations International SOS
Gaba Dan
photo editor The Wall Street Journal
Garthwaite Andrew
statistician and illustrator
Gattolin André
senator En Marche!
Gautier Teun
founder De Cooperatie
Gering Jeanny
Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma
Ghandour Ziad
BBC Arabic
Ghazi Safadi Noura
human rights lawyer
Ghosh Bobby
senior editor Bloomberg
Gibbs Lisa
VP philanthropic development The Associated Press
Gibson Janine
editor FT Weekend
Gicheru Catherine
director Africa Women Journalism Project
Gillmor Dan
co-founder News Co/Lab Arizona State University (via video)
Glenny Misha
journalist and author
Goktas Kemal
editor-in-chief Kısa Dalga Podcast
Goligoski Emily
senior director audience research The Atlantic
Goodman Garrett
VP sales Papercup
Gow Alison
editor-in-chief (digital) regionals Reach
Grassegger Hannes
journalist and economist
Greenup Shane
founder rbutr
Grzeszyk Tabea
founder Hostwriter
Haeg Andrew
founder and CEO GroundSource
Hamu Zina
Yazidi IDP
Hart Andrea
director community engagement City Bureau
Harth Laura
human rights activist
Hassan Tirana
director of crisis response Amnesty International
Hayden Sally
freelance journalist
Healy Blathnaid
executive news editor growth, social & delivery BBC News
Heft Annett
Institute for Media and Communication Studies
Hepworth David
journalist and author
Hessami Shayda
human rights activist
Hill Declan
journalist and author
Hillman Anne
Alaska Public Media
Holligan Anna
foreign correspondent BBC
Horn Sebastian
deputy editor-in-chief Zeit Online
Howden Daniel
founder and managing director Lighthouse Reports
Hummel Isabel
editor Funk
Huppe Barbara
chief marketing officer Hubii
Ingram Mathew
chief digital writer Columbia Journalism Review
Inwood Joe
senior field producer BBC World Service
Isa Dolkun
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation
Israely Jeff
co-founder and editor Worldcrunch
Jarvis Jeff
journalist and author
Jenkins Mandy
general manager The Compass Experiment
Jha Alok
public engagement fellow Wellcome Trust
Johannesson Christina
project manager future competencies SVT
Jolley Rachael
editor Index on Censorship
Jung Kyo Mali
editor Funk
Jurgenson Nathan
sociologist and social media theorist
Kahn Gabriel
Annenberg School for Journalism USC
Kaltenbrunner Andy
managing director Medienhaus Wien
Kaplan Renée
head of news ARTE
Karnowski Jacek
editor-in-chief Sieci
Kehoe Karrie
Investigations Unit RTÉ
Kellett Ryan
Nieman-Berkman fellow for journalism innovation Harvard University
Kellner Tomas
editor-in-chief GE Reports
Kemp Diane
Birmingham City University
Khan Yasir
editor-in-chief Thomson Reuters Foundation
Kim Cristina
The Center for Investigative Reporting
Koch Tanit
editor-in-chief Central Newsroom RTL
Konopo Joel
managing partner INK Centre Inv. Journalism
Kopel Orit
co-founder WikiTribune
Korsgaard Lea
co-founder and editor-in-chief Zetland
Kraus Daniela
director Forum Journalism and Media
Krause Kati
Anxy Magazine
Krechting Michael
managing editor digital NOZ
Kueng Lucy
senior visiting research associate RISJ
Lakshmanan Indira
ideas and opinion editor U.S. News & World Report
Lalwani Nishant
CEO International Fund for Public Interest Media
Lamb Scott
vice president of international BuzzFeed
Lange Lydia
equal ops manager Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg
Larson Jeff
reporter ProPublica
Lau Stuart
South China Morning Post
Laufer Peter
School of Journalism University of Oregon
Lawrence Regina
executive director Agora Journalism Center
Lazauskas Joe
director content strategy Contently
Lee Jean
global fellow Woodrow Wilson Center
Lee Jennifer 8.
co-founder Credibility Coalition
Lei Win Thin
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Lekas Miller Anna
freelance journalist
Leon Sam
data lead Global Witness
Levy David
senior research fellow RISJ
Li Anita
founder and publisher The Green Line
Lipinski Ann Marie
curator Nieman Foundation for Journalism
Little Mark
media entrepreneur and consultant
Long Helen
Reuters Video News
Louderback Jim
creator economy adept
Lubben Jost
editor-in-chief Westfalenpost
Luyendijk Joris
journalist and author
Madrid Miguel
chief digital officer Henneo
Mahdi Abdirahman
co-founder Ogaden National Liberation Front
Mahtani Minelle
University of Toronto
Mantzarlis Alexios
news & information credibility lead Google News Lab
Manve Vishal
Agence France Presse
Marconi Francesco
head of R&D The Wall Street Journal
Marcus Lucy
CEO Marcus Venture Consulting
Marin Milena
deputy director digital investigations Amnesty International
Marthoz Jean-Paul
Le Soir
Martin-Kessler Florence
founder and CEO Live Magazine
Matic Jovanka
Institute of Social Sciences Belgrade
Maturi Mariangela
freelance journalist
McAlister Matt
co-founder Kaleida
McCann Samantha
Solutions Journalism Network
McClenaghan Maeve
Bureau of Investigative Journalism
McKay Hannah
photographer Reuters
McKay Susan
journalist and author
Meese Emma
Centre for Community Journalism Cardiff Univ.
Meneses Rosa
El Mundo
Michaeler Edith
Forum Journalism and Media
Mickute Viktorija
Contrast VR
Milosevic Mira
executive director Global Forum for Media Development
Mina An Xiao
Mitchell Doug
founder and director Next Generation Radio
Mohammed Omar
Mosul Eye
Mohan Megha
gender & identity correspondent BBC World Service
Moll Jakob
co-founder and international director Zetland
Monnier Joffrey
Médecins Sans Frontières
Montgomery Robb
mobile journalism expert
Moore Jina
editor-in-chief Guernica Magazine
Moore Martin
King's College University of London
Morgan James
head of partnerships CrowdTangle EMEA
Muller Gunther
Forum Journalism and Media
Munno Greg
Newhouse School Syracuse University
Murray Stefanie
director Center for Cooperative Media
Nad Veronika
Blueprint for Free Speech
Naji Daoud
Namara Caroline
presenter Radio Bushenyi FM
Narisetti Raju
partner global publishing McKinsey & Company
Nazakat Syed
founder and editor-in-chief DataLEADS
Neiwert David
journalist and author
Nery John
associate editor Philippine Daily Inquirer
Neudert Lisa-Maria
Oxford Internet Institute
Newhook Susan
J School University of King’s College
Newman Nic
senior research fellow Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Newmark Craig
founder Craig Newmark Philanthropies
Nielsen Rasmus
director Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Nishimoto Ben
director of philanthropy Honolulu Civil Beat
Niva Jukka
head of media lab Yle News
Novak Anette
CEO Rise Interactive
Ntibinyane Ntibinyane
co-founder INK Centre Inv. Journalism
Okeowo Alexis
staff writer The New Yorker
Omar Yusuf
co-founder Hashtag Our Stories
Omonira-Oyekanmi Rebecca
co-editor Shine A Light
Osta Damian
co-founder and CEO La Diaria
Ovaskainen Emma-Leena
Helsingin Sanomat
Ozimec Kristina
founder and president PINA
Padania Sameer
director Macroscope Consultancy
Padejski Djordje
associate director post-fellowship programs JSK Journalism Fellowships
Palau Josep
CEO Inmedia
Palmer Ruth
IE University Madrid
Pecquerie Bertrand
CEO Global Editors Network
Pesic Milica
executive director Media Diversity Institute
Pfauth Ernst-Jan
co-founder and CEO The Correspondent
Phillips Asha
head of partnerships CrowdTangle APAC
Pilhofer Aron
chief product officer Star Tribune Media Company
Podger Corinne
senior manager programs and education Walkley Foundation for Journalism
Posetti Julie
VP global research International Center for Journalists
Powell Tracie
senior fellow Democracy Fund
Prabhakar Rajesh
Provost Claire
investigative journalist and editor
Quarls Rebecca
News Revenue Hub
Radsch Courtney
director Center for Journalism and Liberty
Rahkonen Mika
Finnish Broadcasting Company
Rahman Farhana Haque
director general Inter Press Service
Rainsy Sam
Cambodian politician in exile
Ramley Ziad
digital news consultant
Ray Hannah
head of social strategy & storytelling Vogue
Reda Julia
MEP Pirate Party
Redgrave Vanessa
Rees Gavin
senior advisor training & innovation Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma
Rehkopf Julia
Y-Kollektiv funk
Reichstein Ruth
Greens/EFA group European Parliament
Reilly John
co-director MIT Joint Program
Ressa Maria
co-founder and CEO Rappler
Reuter Stephanie
director Rudolf Augstein Foundation
Rickman Dina
head of social media GoFundMe
Ridley Louise
freelance journalist
Risen James
national security correspondent The Intercept
Robbins Martin
Robinson Jennifer
barrister Doughty Street Chambers
Rogers Gary
senior newsroom strategy consultant Fathm
Rogers Simon
data editor Google
Romaszewska-Guzy Agnieszka
editor-in-chief Belsat TV
Roper Chris
ICFJ Knight Fellow
Rosen Jay
Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute New York Univ.
Ross Jesikah Maria
Capital Public Radio
Rost Lisa
Roug Louise
executive editor international HuffPost
Roughol Isabelle
media consultant
Ruetten Wilfried
ex director European Journalism Centre
Rumsey Reshma
social affairs producer ITV News
Runde Wilfried
head of research Deutsche Welle
Rusbridger Alan
editor Prospect Magazine
Salvesen Ingerid
freelance journalist
Sambrook Richard
director Centre for Journalism Cardiff Univ.
Saoud Dalal
media consultant
Scharfenberg Christa
CEO Center for Investigative Reporting
Schiller Vivian
VP and executive director Aspen Digital
Schmidt Christophe
deputy global news director AFP
Schraven David
publisher CORRECTIV
Schulz Eva
presenter Deutschland3000
Schuster Ellen
head of digital programming DW
Sears Francesca
director special projects Magnum Photos
Sehat Connie Moon
Selva Meera
chief executive Internews Europe
Sentek Zeynep
The Black Sea
Serra Barbara
Sky News UK (via video)
Shapiro Bruce
director Dart Center for Journalism & Trauma
Shaw Craig
freelance journalist
Sheridan Gavin
co-founder and CEO Vizlegal
Shishkin Dmitry
CEO Ringier Media International
Silawi Mona
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
Silverman Craig
national reporter ProPublica
Simon Basile
The Times
Skjeseth Heidi Taksdal
Snowdon Peter
Leiden University
Soldatov Andrei
editor Agentura.ru
Soon Alan
co-founder and CEO Splice Media
Spangenberg Jochen
deputy head of research and cooperation projects Deutsche Welle
Srour Maged
data analyst Inter Press Service
Stabe Martin
data editor The Financial Times
Standing Guy
SOAS University of London
Starkman Dean
senior editor ICIJ
Storm Hannah
founder and co-director Headlines Network
Subieta Matt
Sullivan Drew
co-founder and publisher OCCRP
Sweeney John
journalist and author
Thomas Adam
founder Evenly Distributed
Thordar Inga
media executive
Thuy Vo Lam
investigative reporter Documented
Tilmantaite Berta
co-founder and artistic director Nanook
Timchenko Galina
co-founder and CEO Meduza
Tioulong Saumura
Cambodia National Rescue Party
Tomchak Anne-Marie
UK editor Mashable
Toprak Cigdem
freelance journalist
Trew Bel
The Independent
Trewinnard Tom
executive director Syli
Tsubaki Rina
European Forest Institute
ul Hadi Nasr
Knight Fellow International Center for Journalists
Usher Nikki
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Uzunoglu Sarphan
UiT Arctic University of Norway
Valentine Ann Marie
International Women’s Media Foundation
Vassilopoulos Will
freelance video-journalist
Vella Corinne
editor Taste&Flair
Venema Nienke
managing director Stichting Democratie en Media
Vinograd Cassandra
freelance journalist
Vis Farida
director Visual Social Media Lab
von Reppert-Bismarck Juliane
founder & CEO Lie Detectors
Vysniauskas Karolis
Nanook Multimedia
Wael Farah
founding member Medina
Walsh Declan
Cairo bureau chief The New York Times
Walter-Brown Mary
founder and CEO News Revenue Hub
Wenzel Andrea
Temple University
Whyte Lara
special projects editor 50.50 OpenDemocracy
Wrenn Nick
head of news partnerships Facebook EMEA
Yanatma Servet
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Yang Jianli
president Initiatives for China
York Jillian
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Young Mary Lynn
University of British Columbia
Yousuf Hani
freelance journalist
Zhang Amy
University of Washington
Myra Abdallah
Wael Abdel-Fattah
Magda Abu-Fadil
Bill Adair
Malek Adly
Gregor Aisch
Fares Akkad
Nawal Al-Maghafi
Yoeri Albrecht
Alberto Alemanno
Brigitte Alfter
Geertje Algera
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Max Amordeluso
Chris Anderson
Jasmine Andersson
Julia Angwin
Natalia Antelava
Justin Arenstein
Phoebe Arnold
Lina Attalah
Renata Avila
Jason Azzopardi
Peter Bale
Peter Bardy
Joyce Barnathan
Caelainn Barr
Jane Barrett
Pam Bartlett Quintanilla
Alison Baskerville
Guido Baumhauer
Yavuz Baydar
Charlie Beckett
Fergus Bell
Eva Belmonte
Annmarie Benedict
Guy Berger
Fabio Bertoni
Jessica Best
Ed Bice
Ludovic Blecher
Ans Boersma
Alexandra Borchardt
Crina Boros
Francesca Bosco
Marianne Bouchart
Daniel Bouhs
Kevin Braddock
Jennifer Brandel
George Brock
Ingrid Brodnig
Sarah Brown
Hervé Brusini
Wolfgang Buchner
Kim Bui
Aela Callan
Candis Callison
Fiona Campbell
Stefan Candea
Valeria Cardi
Andy Carvin
Irene Caselli
Miguel Castro
Federica Cherubini
Madhav Chinnappa
Natalie Choate
Jennifer Choi
Ching Yee Choo
Duncan Clark
Nick Clark
Megan Clement
David Cohn
Eva Constantaras
Matt Cooke
Joseph Cox
Iona Craig
John Crowley
Polly Curtis
Loic Dachary
Pinar Dag
Ina Daniel
Matt Danzico
Helen Darbishire
Molly de Aguiar
Temesghen Debesai
Yael Deckelbaum
Estelle Dehon
Anuska Delic
Rima Deljkic
Hossein Derakhshan
Andrew DeVigal
Jessica Dheere
Philip Di Salvo
Tim Dixon
Steffi Dobmeier
Esra Dogramaci
Jean-Marc Dreyfus
Louis Dreyfus
Sam Dubberley
Krzysztof Dzieciolowski
Ezra Eeman
Bas Eickhout
Meera Eilabouni
Lina El Wardani
Chris Elliott
Marc Ellison
Christina Elmer
Bill Emmott
Jane Fae
Philip Faigle
Fatemah Farag
Adriano Farano
Nina Fasciaux
Penelope Faulkner
Anthony Feinstein
Tom Felle
Amie Ferris-Rotman
Bettina Figl
Ilaria Firmian
Vivienne Francis
Mark Frankel
Dan Gaba
Andrew Garthwaite
André Gattolin
Teun Gautier
Jeanny Gering
Ziad Ghandour
Noura Ghazi Safadi
Bobby Ghosh
Lisa Gibbs
Janine Gibson
Catherine Gicheru
Dan Gillmor
Misha Glenny
Kemal Goktas
Emily Goligoski
Garrett Goodman
Alison Gow
Hannes Grassegger
Shane Greenup
Tabea Grzeszyk
Andrew Haeg
Zina Hamu
Andrea Hart
Laura Harth
Tirana Hassan
Sally Hayden
Blathnaid Healy
Annett Heft
David Hepworth
Shayda Hessami
Declan Hill
Anne Hillman
Anna Holligan
Sebastian Horn
Daniel Howden
Isabel Hummel
Barbara Huppe
Mathew Ingram
Joe Inwood
Dolkun Isa
Jeff Israely
Jeff Jarvis
Mandy Jenkins
Alok Jha
Christina Johannesson
Rachael Jolley
Kyo Mali Jung
Nathan Jurgenson
Gabriel Kahn
Andy Kaltenbrunner
Renée Kaplan
Jacek Karnowski
Karrie Kehoe
Ryan Kellett
Tomas Kellner
Diane Kemp
Yasir Khan
Cristina Kim
Tanit Koch
Joel Konopo
Orit Kopel
Lea Korsgaard
Daniela Kraus
Kati Krause
Michael Krechting
Lucy Kueng
Indira Lakshmanan
Nishant Lalwani
Scott Lamb
Lydia Lange
Jeff Larson
Stuart Lau
Peter Laufer
Regina Lawrence
Joe Lazauskas
Jean Lee
Jennifer 8. Lee
Thin Lei Win
Anna Lekas Miller
Sam Leon
David Levy
Anita Li
Ann Marie Lipinski
Mark Little
Helen Long
Jim Louderback
Jost Lubben
Joris Luyendijk
Miguel Madrid
Abdirahman Mahdi
Minelle Mahtani
Alexios Mantzarlis
Vishal Manve
Francesco Marconi
Lucy Marcus
Milena Marin
Jean-Paul Marthoz
Florence Martin-Kessler
Jovanka Matic
Mariangela Maturi
Matt McAlister
Samantha McCann
Maeve McClenaghan
Hannah McKay
Susan McKay
Emma Meese
Rosa Meneses
Edith Michaeler
Viktorija Mickute
Mira Milosevic
An Xiao Mina
Doug Mitchell
Omar Mohammed
Megha Mohan
Jakob Moll
Joffrey Monnier
Robb Montgomery
Jina Moore
Martin Moore
James Morgan
Gunther Muller
Greg Munno
Stefanie Murray
Veronika Nad
Daoud Naji
Caroline Namara
Raju Narisetti
Syed Nazakat
David Neiwert
John Nery
Lisa-Maria Neudert
Susan Newhook
Nic Newman
Craig Newmark
Rasmus Nielsen
Ben Nishimoto
Jukka Niva
Anette Novak
Ntibinyane Ntibinyane
Alexis Okeowo
Yusuf Omar
Rebecca Omonira-Oyekanmi
Damian Osta
Emma-Leena Ovaskainen
Kristina Ozimec
Sameer Padania
Djordje Padejski
Josep Palau
Ruth Palmer
Bertrand Pecquerie
Milica Pesic
Ernst-Jan Pfauth
Asha Phillips
Aron Pilhofer
Corinne Podger
Julie Posetti
Tracie Powell
Rajesh Prabhakar
Claire Provost
Rebecca Quarls
Courtney Radsch
Mika Rahkonen
Farhana Haque Rahman
Sam Rainsy
Ziad Ramley
Hannah Ray
Julia Reda
Vanessa Redgrave
Gavin Rees
Julia Rehkopf
Ruth Reichstein
John Reilly
Maria Ressa
Stephanie Reuter
Dina Rickman
Louise Ridley
James Risen
Martin Robbins
Jennifer Robinson
Gary Rogers
Simon Rogers
Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy
Chris Roper
Jay Rosen
Jesikah Maria Ross
Lisa Rost
Louise Roug
Isabelle Roughol
Wilfried Ruetten
Reshma Rumsey
Wilfried Runde
Alan Rusbridger
Ingerid Salvesen
Richard Sambrook
Dalal Saoud
Christa Scharfenberg
Vivian Schiller
Christophe Schmidt
David Schraven
Eva Schulz
Ellen Schuster
Francesca Sears
Connie Moon Sehat
Meera Selva
Zeynep Sentek
Barbara Serra
Bruce Shapiro
Craig Shaw
Gavin Sheridan
Dmitry Shishkin
Mona Silawi
Craig Silverman
Basile Simon
Heidi Taksdal Skjeseth
Peter Snowdon
Andrei Soldatov
Alan Soon
Jochen Spangenberg
Maged Srour
Martin Stabe
Guy Standing
Dean Starkman
Hannah Storm
Matt Subieta
Drew Sullivan
John Sweeney
Adam Thomas
Inga Thordar
Lam Thuy Vo
Berta Tilmantaite
Galina Timchenko
Saumura Tioulong
Anne-Marie Tomchak
Cigdem Toprak
Bel Trew
Tom Trewinnard
Rina Tsubaki
Nasr ul Hadi
Nikki Usher
Sarphan Uzunoglu
Ann Marie Valentine
Will Vassilopoulos
Corinne Vella
Nienke Venema
Cassandra Vinograd
Farida Vis
Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck
Karolis Vysniauskas
Farah Wael
Declan Walsh
Mary Walter-Brown
Andrea Wenzel
Lara Whyte
Nick Wrenn
Servet Yanatma
Jianli Yang
Jillian York
Mary Lynn Young
Hani Yousuf
Amy Zhang