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Speakers 2015
from outside Italy
All speakers 2015
Abdulemam Ali
founder Bahrain Online
Accardo Gian Paolo
editor VoxEurop
Adair Bill
Sanford School of Public Policy Duke Univ.
Aisch Gregor
CTO Datawrapper
Akhmedova Marina
Russky Reporter
Albaih Khalid
Albayati Aws
political refugee
Alemanni Cesare
co-founder and editor Berlin Quarterly
Amico Chris
co-founder Glass Eye Media
Amico Laura
founder Homicide Watch
Anyangwe Eliza
editor-in-chief The Fuller Project
Arellanes Douglas
co-founder Sourcefabric
Arenstein Justin
director Code For Africa
Baez Ivan
Article 19 Mexico and Central America
Bakare Lawal
co-founder and CEO Ebola Alert (via Skype)
Barber Greg
director digital news projects The Washington Post
Barot Trushar
mobile editor BBC World Service
Batist Danielle
co-founder Constructive Journalism Project
Baydar Yavuz
blogger and media expert
Bell Fergus
co-founder and CEO Fathm
Bensouda Fatou
prosecutor International Criminal Court
Bentson Clark
American Broadcasting Company
Betcheva Radka
European Broadcasting Union
Bijoux Stephane
director of diversity France Télévisions
Bompan Emanuele
geographer and journalist
Bosco Francesca
chief strategy and partnership officer CyberPeace Institute (via video)
Boseley Sarah
health editor The Guardian
Brhane Tareke
president 3 October Committee
Brock George
journalist and author
Brown Pete
co-founder Eyewitness Media Hub
Cabo David
co-founder and director Civio Foundation
Carvin Andy
senior editor-at-large NowThis News
Charas Lars
Cherubini Federica
director leadership development RISJ
Chinnappa Madhav
VP partnerships Human Native AI
Colomé Jordi
El Español
Conley Brian
Constantaras Eva
data journalist
Cooke Matt
head of Google News Lab
Cooper Charlie
The Independent
Cooper Marc
University of Southern California
Corlin Peggy
freelance journalist
Cossu Giordano
founder Hirva Lab
Crawford David
Crowley John
co-director Headlines Network
Cunliffe-Jones Peter
senior visiting researcher University of Westminster
Dagan Wood Sean
co-founder Constructive Journalism Project
Darbishire Helen
founder and director Access Info Europe
Davies Simon
founder Privacy International
de Pear Ben
editor Channel 4 News
Debrouwere Stijn
analytics expert
Del Bello Lou
Deuze Mark
University of Amsterdam
DeVigal Andrew
Agora Journalism Center University of Oregon
Di Maio Alessandro
freelance journalist
Di Salvo Philip
visiting fellow London School of Economics
Diop Abdou Souleye
partner Mazars Group
Duran Marta
University of the Claustro de Sor Juana
Dzieciolowski Zygmunt
journalist and film director
Eeman Ezra
strategy and innovation director NPO
Eloy David
co-founder and editor Altermondes
Emmott Bill
journalist and author
Escolar Ignacio
founder and editor eldiario.es
Faris Stephan
co-founder Deca
Fischer Frederik
chief editor Piqd.de
Gilat Matan
data editor Vocativ
Gillmor Dan
co-founder News Co/Lab Arizona State University (via video)
Gontar Margo
co-founder and editor StopFake
Good Robin
online publisher and new media explorer
Goodman Emma
Department of Media and Communications LSE
Goodman Garrett
VP sales Papercup
Gow Alison
editor-in-chief (digital) regionals Reach
Grasso Daniele
El Confidencial
Grech Herman
head of media The Times of Malta
Guarnieri Claudio
The Citizen Lab University of Toronto
Guéno Jean-Pierre
author and historian
Gurciullo Stefano
University College London
Hamilton Chris
social media editor BBC News
Harper Ken
dir. Newhouse Center for Global Engagement
Harvey Fiona
The Guardian
Hassan Hassan
The National (via Skype)
Hatch Joshua
The Chronicle of Higher Education
He Nicole
journalism outreach lead Kickstarter
Hermanin Costanza
Open Society European Policy Institute
Hernández Anabel
journalist and author
Horton Helena
The Daily Mirror
Igrić Gordana
founder and director BIRN
Ilie Codrina
technical geographer
Ingram Mathew
chief digital writer Columbia Journalism Review
Jarvis Jeff
journalist and author
Jelenkowska-Luca Ewelina
head of communications DG CONNECT European Commission
Jin Ye
University of Coventry
Jovović Mihailo
editor Vijesti
Kabushenga Robert
CEO The Vision Group
Kabutakapua Beatrice
freelance journalist
Kanygin Pavel
Novaya Gazeta
Kashin Oleg
founder kashin.guru (via Skype)
Kayser-Bril Nicolas
Kent Thomas
deputy managing editor Associated Press
Keret Etgar
Kerr Aine
COO and co-founder Kinzen
Klöpping Alexander
founder Blendle
Klose Simon
film director (via Skype)
Koch Roberto
founder and CEO Contrasto
Kolpakov Ivan
co-founder and editor-in-chief Meduza
Koutsyllo Veronika
editor OpenRussia
Lambert Jérome
documentary film-maker
Lazarević Nela
Lindenberg Friedrich
Little Mark
media entrepreneur and consultant
Llewellyn Sue
digital strategy consultant
Lorenz Mirko
innovation manager Deutsche Welle
Machon Annie
Magnaudeix Mathieu
Maher Jacqui
Condé Nast International
Makeeva Maria
deputy editor TV RAIN
Manfredi Juan Luis
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Mantzarlis Alexios
news & information credibility lead Google News Lab
Marcus Lucy
CEO Marcus Venture Consulting
Marin Milena
deputy director digital investigations Amnesty International
Martinson Jane
journalist and author
McAdams Mindy
University of Florida
McDonnell Jane
executive director Online News Association
Messner Ricarda
founder Flaneur Magazine
Mitchell Andy
director news & media partnerships Facebook
Montgomery Robb
mobile journalism expert
Mora Miguel
co-founder and editor ctxt.es
Moreira Sara
freelance journalist
Morel Pierre
freelance photojournalist
Moshavi Sharon
president International Center for Journalists
Moye Jay
editor-in-chief Coca-Cola Journey
Mucci Alberto
The Outpost
Mulvaney Kieran
The Washington Post
Narisetti Raju
partner global publishing McKinsey & Company
Nehme Ibrahim
founder and editor The Outpost
Nekzad Farida
co-founder & EIC Wakht News Agency
Nielsen Rasmus
director Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
O'Brien Alexa
investigative journalist
O'Hara Geraldine
infectious diseases specialist
Ogunlesi Tolu
West Africa editor The Africa Report
Olevsky Timur
Oppenheimer Joshua
film director (via Skype)
Pacheco Dan
The Newhouse School Syracuse University
Padnos Theo
journalist and author
Painter James
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Paone Mariangela
journalist and author
Paracchini Andrea
Patrucic Miranda
editor-in-chief OCCRP
Patterson Maeve
Amnesty International
Pfauth Ernst-Jan
co-founder and CEO The Correspondent
Philippe Nathaniel
co-founder LeKiosk
Pilhofer Aron
chief product officer Star Tribune Media Company
Piras Annalisa
film director and journalist
Plenel Edwy
editor-in-chief Mediapart (via Skype)
Poitras Laura
documentary film-maker (via Skype)
Porlezza Colin
Department of Journalism City University
Prentice Christopher
British ambassador to Italy
Radu Paul
co-founder OCCRP
Rattray Ben
founder and CEO Change.org
Riordan Kellie
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Ruetten Wilfried
ex director European Journalism Centre
Saling Gergo
editor Direkt36
Salmon Felix
senior editor Fusion
Sandvik Linda
fellow Knight-Mozilla OpenNews
Scammell Rosie
The Local
Schaffer Jan
executive director J-Lab
Schiller Vivian
VP and executive director Aspen Digital
Schmidli Julian
SRF Data
Schraven David
publisher CORRECTIV
Sciolino Elaine
The New York Times
Servenay David
co-founder La Revue Dessinée
Shakhmirza Bella
human rights activist
Shakirov Mumin
Radio Svoboda
Sharife Khadija
investigative researcher
Siems Larry
writer and human rights activist
Silverman Craig
national reporter ProPublica
Snowden Edward
whistleblower (via Skype)
Sobliye Gabi
Tactical Technology Collective
Sozeri Efe Kerem
editor Dekadans.co
Stavruola Katerina
freelance journalist
Stein Jonathan
managing editor Project Syndicate
Sullivan Margaret
media columnist The Washington Post
Taubner Beth
founder Mercurylab
Thomas Kate
editor Ebola Deeply
Tomasini Jérome
head of news&politics Twitter France
Turton Sue
Al Jazeera English
van Bruggen Arnold
founder Prospektor
van Genugten Lonneke
deputy editor OneWorld Magazine
Verheyden Tim
VRT News
Viers Aurélien
director digital news development L'Obs
von der Mark Fabian
director news features Deutsche Welle
Vujovic Oliver
secretary-general SEEMO
Wardle Claire
Department of Communication Cornell University (via video)
Werner Jack
social media editor Metro Sweden
Wijnberg Rob
co-founder and editor-in-chief De Correspondent
Wizner Ben
Wolff Stefan
POLSIS University of Birmingham
Wyshywaniuk Steve
Yakobovich Oren
co-founder Videre est Credere
York Jillian
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Yuhua Zhu
VP China Corporate United Pavilion Expo 2015
Zagoni Rita
Central European University
Zhang Zhan
University of Italian Switzerland
Ali Abdulemam
Gian Paolo Accardo
Bill Adair
Gregor Aisch
Marina Akhmedova
Khalid Albaih
Aws Albayati
Cesare Alemanni
Chris Amico
Laura Amico
Eliza Anyangwe
Douglas Arellanes
Justin Arenstein
Ivan Baez
Lawal Bakare
Greg Barber
Trushar Barot
Danielle Batist
Yavuz Baydar
Fergus Bell
Fatou Bensouda
Clark Bentson
Radka Betcheva
Stephane Bijoux
Emanuele Bompan
Francesca Bosco
Sarah Boseley
Tareke Brhane
George Brock
Pete Brown
David Cabo
Andy Carvin
Lars Charas
Federica Cherubini
Madhav Chinnappa
Jordi Colomé
Brian Conley
Eva Constantaras
Matt Cooke
Charlie Cooper
Marc Cooper
Peggy Corlin
Giordano Cossu
David Crawford
John Crowley
Peter Cunliffe-Jones
Sean Dagan Wood
Helen Darbishire
Simon Davies
Ben de Pear
Stijn Debrouwere
Lou Del Bello
Mark Deuze
Andrew DeVigal
Alessandro Di Maio
Philip Di Salvo
Abdou Souleye Diop
Marta Duran
Zygmunt Dzieciolowski
Ezra Eeman
David Eloy
Bill Emmott
Ignacio Escolar
Stephan Faris
Frederik Fischer
Matan Gilat
Dan Gillmor
Margo Gontar
Robin Good
Emma Goodman
Garrett Goodman
Alison Gow
Daniele Grasso
Herman Grech
Claudio Guarnieri
Jean-Pierre Guéno
Stefano Gurciullo
Chris Hamilton
Ken Harper
Fiona Harvey
Hassan Hassan
Joshua Hatch
Nicole He
Costanza Hermanin
Anabel Hernández
Helena Horton
Gordana Igrić
Codrina Ilie
Mathew Ingram
Jeff Jarvis
Ewelina Jelenkowska-Luca
Ye Jin
Mihailo Jovović
Robert Kabushenga
Beatrice Kabutakapua
Pavel Kanygin
Oleg Kashin
Nicolas Kayser-Bril
Thomas Kent
Etgar Keret
Aine Kerr
Alexander Klöpping
Simon Klose
Roberto Koch
Ivan Kolpakov
Veronika Koutsyllo
Jérome Lambert
Nela Lazarević
Friedrich Lindenberg
Mark Little
Sue Llewellyn
Mirko Lorenz
Annie Machon
Mathieu Magnaudeix
Jacqui Maher
Maria Makeeva
Juan Luis Manfredi
Alexios Mantzarlis
Lucy Marcus
Milena Marin
Jane Martinson
Mindy McAdams
Jane McDonnell
Ricarda Messner
Andy Mitchell
Robb Montgomery
Miguel Mora
Sara Moreira
Pierre Morel
Sharon Moshavi
Jay Moye
Alberto Mucci
Kieran Mulvaney
Raju Narisetti
Ibrahim Nehme
Farida Nekzad
Rasmus Nielsen
Alexa O'Brien
Geraldine O'Hara
Tolu Ogunlesi
Timur Olevsky
Joshua Oppenheimer
Dan Pacheco
Theo Padnos
James Painter
Mariangela Paone
Andrea Paracchini
Miranda Patrucic
Maeve Patterson
Ernst-Jan Pfauth
Nathaniel Philippe
Aron Pilhofer
Annalisa Piras
Edwy Plenel
Laura Poitras
Colin Porlezza
Christopher Prentice
Paul Radu
Ben Rattray
Kellie Riordan
Wilfried Ruetten
Gergo Saling
Felix Salmon
Linda Sandvik
Rosie Scammell
Jan Schaffer
Vivian Schiller
Julian Schmidli
David Schraven
Elaine Sciolino
David Servenay
Bella Shakhmirza
Mumin Shakirov
Khadija Sharife
Larry Siems
Craig Silverman
Edward Snowden
Gabi Sobliye
Efe Kerem Sozeri
Katerina Stavruola
Jonathan Stein
Margaret Sullivan
Beth Taubner
Kate Thomas
Jérome Tomasini
Sue Turton
Arnold van Bruggen
Lonneke van Genugten
Tim Verheyden
Aurélien Viers
Fabian von der Mark
Oliver Vujovic
Claire Wardle
Jack Werner
Rob Wijnberg
Ben Wizner
Stefan Wolff
Steve Wyshywaniuk
Oren Yakobovich
Jillian York
Zhu Yuhua
Rita Zagoni
Zhan Zhang