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Speakers 2013
from outside Italy
All speakers 2013
Accardo Gian Paolo
editor VoxEurop
Aisch Gregor
CTO Datawrapper
Alviani Alessandro
lead generative AI Süddeutsche Zeitung Digitale Medien
Arellanes Douglas
co-founder Sourcefabric
Baker Adam
founder Blottr
Ball James
political editor The New European
Bauer Michael
Open Knowledge Foundation
Beckett Charlie
director Polis London School of Economics
Bell Emily
director Tow Center for Digital Journalism
Bleyer Kevin
speechwriter Barack Obama
Bodoky Tamas
editor and director Atlatszo.hu
Bounegru Liliana
data journalism researcher
Brooke Heather
Department of Journalism City University
Buttry Steve
d.t. editor Digital First Media
Cabra Mar
co-founder and executive director The Self-Investigation
Carroll Oliver
editor openDemocracy Russia
Carvin Eric
social media editor AP
Casey Nell
journalist and author
Chambers Lucy
Open Knowledge Foundation
Cifra Ján
Piano Media
Cohen Benjamin
founder pinknews.co.uk
Conley Brian
Dabbous Susan
freelance journalist
Darbishire Helen
founder and director Access Info Europe
de Carayon Laure
founder China Connect
De Rosa Anthony
social media editor Reuters
Doig Steve
School of Journalism Arizona State University
Dzieciolowski Zygmunt
journalist and film director
Ebeli Rakhal
founder Newsmodo
Eltringham Matthew
BBC College of Journalism
Emmott Bill
journalist and author
Faris Stephan
co-founder Deca
Fischer Frederik
chief editor Piqd.de
Fontanella-Khan James
The Financial Times
Foot John
University College, London
Galant Gregory
co-founder & CEO Sawhorse Media
Goodman Garrett
VP sales Papercup
Harris Valentina
food&wine writer
Hizem Fathia
Ass. Tunisienne Femmes Démocrates
Hughes Stuart
BBC News
Ingram Mathew
chief digital writer Columbia Journalism Review
Johnson Bobbie
co-founder MATTER
Johnson Mark
The Economist
Kahn Gabriel
Annenberg School for Journalism USC
Keen Andrew
journalist and author
Kirilenko Anastasia
Laroes Hans
Laurent Antoine
media innovation strategist
Lewis Paul
head of investigations The Guardian
Lindenberg Friedrich
Little Mark
media entrepreneur and consultant
Llewellyn Sue
digital strategy consultant
Lloyd John
director of journalism RISJ
Mantzarlis Alexios
news & information credibility lead Google News Lab
Martinson Jane
journalist and author
Mullane Michael
Othman Dlshad
Syrian activist
Pecquerie Bertrand
CEO Global Editors Network
Peters Justin
Pilhofer Aron
chief product officer Star Tribune Media Company
Piras Annalisa
film director and journalist
Radu Paul
co-founder OCCRP
Rafiq Awad Ahmad
Al Quds University
Rakar Marko
president Windmill
Rapoport Meron
co-founder A Land for All
Reardon Christopher
Reed Harper
CTO Obama for America
Rees Gavin
senior advisor training & innovation Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma
Reiter Svetlana
Esquire Russia
Ross Ian Campbell
Trinity College Dublin
Ruetten Wilfried
ex director European Journalism Centre
Sambrook Richard
director Centre for Journalism Cardiff Univ.
Sanchez Yoani
blog Generación Y
Shafrir Doree
executive editor Buzzfeed
Sherlock Ruth
The Daily Telegraph
Shleinov Roman
Sindeeva Natalia
founder and director TV Rain
Sinker Dan
director Knight-Mozilla Open News
Smallwood Christine
food and travel writer
Storm Hannah
founder and co-director Headlines Network
Thurston Jack
co-founder farmsubsidy.org
Trudolyubov Maxim
Tsubaki Rina
European Forest Institute
Vehkoo Johanna
co-founder Long Play
Vujovic Oliver
secretary-general SEEMO
Wardle Claire
Department of Communication Cornell University (via video)
Waterhouse Patrick
editor COLORS magazine
Weifeng Ni Vincent
Caixin Media
Wolfe Lauren
director WMC's Women Under Siege
Wood Paul
BBC News
Zatterin Marco
La Stampa
Gian Paolo Accardo
Gregor Aisch
Alessandro Alviani
Douglas Arellanes
Adam Baker
James Ball
Michael Bauer
Charlie Beckett
Emily Bell
Kevin Bleyer
Tamas Bodoky
Liliana Bounegru
Heather Brooke
Steve Buttry
Mar Cabra
Oliver Carroll
Eric Carvin
Nell Casey
Lucy Chambers
Ján Cifra
Benjamin Cohen
Brian Conley
Susan Dabbous
Helen Darbishire
Laure de Carayon
Anthony De Rosa
Steve Doig
Zygmunt Dzieciolowski
Rakhal Ebeli
Matthew Eltringham
Bill Emmott
Stephan Faris
Frederik Fischer
James Fontanella-Khan
John Foot
Gregory Galant
Garrett Goodman
Valentina Harris
Fathia Hizem
Stuart Hughes
Mathew Ingram
Bobbie Johnson
Mark Johnson
Gabriel Kahn
Andrew Keen
Anastasia Kirilenko
Hans Laroes
Antoine Laurent
Paul Lewis
Friedrich Lindenberg
Mark Little
Sue Llewellyn
John Lloyd
Alexios Mantzarlis
Jane Martinson
Michael Mullane
Dlshad Othman
Bertrand Pecquerie
Justin Peters
Aron Pilhofer
Annalisa Piras
Paul Radu
Ahmad Rafiq Awad
Marko Rakar
Meron Rapoport
Christopher Reardon
Harper Reed
Gavin Rees
Svetlana Reiter
Ian Campbell Ross
Wilfried Ruetten
Richard Sambrook
Yoani Sanchez
Doree Shafrir
Ruth Sherlock
Roman Shleinov
Natalia Sindeeva
Dan Sinker
Christine Smallwood
Hannah Storm
Jack Thurston
Maxim Trudolyubov
Rina Tsubaki
Johanna Vehkoo
Oliver Vujovic
Claire Wardle
Patrick Waterhouse
Vincent Weifeng Ni
Lauren Wolfe
Paul Wood
Marco Zatterin