The four industries that together kill more than a third of people every year all use similar tactics to market their products and influence public policy, opinion, and behavior. These corporations rely on a shared playbook, hiding the health-harming impact of their products while adding to their bottom lines.

This panel will equip journalists with the tools to uncover and expose their strategies. Panellists will describe approaches to identify and report on misleading advertising and marketing of products, ghostwriting of scientific papers, funding professionals like doctors and dietitians, funding of medical or campaigning organizations, lobbying of policymakers and exploiting regulatory loopholes.

Drawing on their experience investigating these industries globally, our speakers will share practical insights into accessing hidden information, finding sources within companies, finding data sources, navigating corporate pushback and publishing impactful stories. They will also share storytelling tips including how to make people care about the human and environmental cost of these companies’ actions.

Moderated by Ben Hallman.

Organised in association with The Examination.