Digitalization is not new, but especially for small media organizations, most of them regional ones, digital transformation is a long and stony path.

It’s difficult on many levels: publishers who want to stick to the idea of re-flourishing print revenues, staff members who want to stick to known structures and processes, lack of vision and courage to enter new paths, re-organize processes and procedures, lack of money to try new things, formats - even with the possibility to fail.

We want to show examples where it worked - and how. And where it didn’t. We want to be self-critical and transparent and ask ourselves: What keeps us and other media companies from diving right into that transformation? What are we (or our publishers) afraid of? But also: What drives us crazy when it comes to discussions within our media companies and newsrooms? What are the sentences we never want to hear again - and what are the best reactions? And how can we convince those who are not yet convinced?

The session would be divided into two parts: a talk with experts and a part where we want to create a lively discussion with the attendees about their experience. A “Digitals Anonymous” meeting, so to say. Everybody should add their experience and ideas. So in the end - maybe - some of us might get new impulses for our work life.
