World News Day is a global campaign that unites journalists, newsrooms and news audiences around the globe to share the stories that show the power of trustworthy journalism to make a difference to citizens and communities.

On 28 September 2021, 500 global news organizations from the Fiji Sun to the Financial Times united to highlight the critical importance of credible journalism in providing trustworthy information about the climate crisis.

Founded in 2018 by The Canadian Journalism Foundation with the support of the Google News Initiative, in four years the World News Day movement grew from 20 newsrooms to 500 strong in partnership with the World Editors Forum/WAN-IFRA.

World News Day is an opportunity for the global news industry to show the public why journalism matters. It exists to celebrate quality  journalism and how communities are served when journalists do their jobs.

The global crisis of trust in journalism makes clear we need World News Day now more than ever to help the public understand journalism and why it matters. This is an opportunity for journalists to learn how to get involved to help grow this global movement and amplify the power of journalism.

Organised in association with The Canadian Journalism Foundation.
