KIDS ACADEMY is the section of the festival dedicated to children and youngsters. A place in which to develop digital citizenship, media literacy and coding skills through workshops, games and discussions aimed at small and large digital explorers from 6 to 18 years of age. Together we will learn to live the web positively, with the aim too of developing fact-checking skills.

For children aged 6 to 11.

We will discover, playing together, a thousand and one ways to live the web positively with the aim of making sense of what we read. We will use digital tools that will help us recognize fake news and be able to distinguish it from responsible journalism. So as to become little journalists of the 21st century.

This session will be repeated - with different children - at 11.00.

A cura di KIDSBIT – Playing Contemporary. KIDSBIT è un progetto di DENSA Cooperativa Sociale rivolto ai bambini di oggi e di domani. Il festival, i centri estivi e i laboratori che KIDSBIT propone dentro e fuori la scuola sperimentano approcci innovativi in grado di valorizzare le attitudini dei bambini e dei ragazzi sviluppando competenze trasversali legate all’uso consapevole e creativo delle nuove tecnologie.
