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Twitter masterclass: advanced tools and tricks for journalists – – International Journalism Festival

Workshop conducted by Barbara Sgarzi, introduction by Mario Tedeschini Lalli.

You are a journalist with a Twitter account, you follow a number of people, you actually tweet each day, but you don't really know how to go to "the next level". Come and learn how to best use "lists", and "hastags", how to filter sources: all the hints you need to gather and validate information, to actively take part in the conversation without drowning the web under links to your own stories.

Digital Evolution: Staying Ahead Of The Curve. In the world of digital journalism, “change” is the new normal. As the global industry continues to evolve, adjusting to new tools, platforms and distribution models, this set of six ONA events will help your newsroom keep up with changing models and remain relevant in a digital world.

Organised in association with Online News Association