Information design and the data-ink ratio - online news formatting for maximum legibility, understanding and scanability
What are the best practices to format and lay out?
News information and content so that it can provide a great user-experience (to be as legible, scanable and usable as possible?).
Problem: excessive amounts of information often presented in confusing ways - hard-to-read text, slides with too much content, hard-to-understand tables and reports, news and web pages.
How to solve it: utilize a set of guiding principles and rules to govern all information publishing.
Line length
Font size
Typeface / font choice
Spacing - leading
Data-ink ratio
Examples of bad content formatting and layout in mainstream online media
Examples of good content formatting online
Recommended resources for further learning
Participants requirements: none
Technical requirements: none
Organised in association with Robin Good University - POP Campus
Workshops are free entry but registration is required. Each workshop will have a limited number of participants. The workshop registration form will be put on the website soon. Workshop registration will begin on 15 March 2012.