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Paving the way towards gender equality – – International Journalism Festival

A designated discussion with journalists who share a passion for inclusive and diverse storytelling.

Practicing and promoting journalism with a gender lens is an uphill battle. Despite some progress in terms of female representation in news leadership, declared commitments from major news outlets to more systematically include the voices of women in their coverage, gender-sensitive reporting remains niche. In the meantime, half of the world’s story remains vastly underreported, despite the multiple existential crises we are facing – climate change, wars, threats to democracy, etc.

While it is more than ever essential to cover stories from the perspective of the different people living it, how to make gender part of every story?

Together, let's change the narrative towards gender equality in the media.

This side event is part of the Towards Equality media program which consists of a global media alliance (see the 8 March 2024 edition here towards-equality.com/alliance-2024), a resource platform with podcasts and newsletters inthebalance.news, and a gender journalists network meeting for the second time this year at #IJF!


Morning: an open discussion (state of the nation, gender journalism around the globe)

Lunch: buffet offered

Afternoon: group sessions (business cases for gender journalism / inspiration from other journalistic approaches and formats / the importance of collaboration in moving forward)

This side event is open to all gender-sensitive journalists upon registration (limited places available). Interested in participating? Please fill in this form.

Contact info: Agnes Brulet +33(0)613229624 or Mata Mélina Bassinga +32(0)499365031 media@sparknews.com

Venue: Hotel Sangallo, Via Luigi Masi 9, Perugia.

Organised by Sparknews, pioneering the Towards Equality program since 2021.

For those who cannot attend, please note that we will pursue the discussions the next day, Thursday April 18, during a food-for-thought gender apéritif (from 18.00 to 20.00) at Il Birraio ⇒ RSVP pls!