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Drop by and test ICFJ-University of Sheffield’s online violence monitoring dashboard – – International Journalism Festival

Hosted by:

Dr Diana Maynard. computational linguist, University of Sheffield, UK

Nabeelah Shabbir, deputy director of research, International Center of Journalists (ICFJ)

Drop by and test our Online Violence monitoring dashboard.

Editors, journalists, and those with lived experiences of online violence (including, but not limited to cyberharassment, stalking, death threats, doxxing, etc.) are welcome to visit our table at the Bar Bellavista on Saturday 20 April, to test and provide feedback on an Online Violence Alert and Response System currently in development.

Built by the University of Sheffield in partnership with ICFJ, this dashboard uses Natural Language Processing and AI tools to detect, analyse, monitor, and report online abuse targeting journalists, especially women and those targeted because of their intersectional identities. You can see some of the outputs generated by the tool in our Big Data Case Studies*.

As well as monitoring abuse of journalists in newsrooms, the dashboard could be used to assist digital investigations of targeted online violence campaigns.

We are interested in understanding your thoughts on the dashboard, how you might use it in your own newsrooms and workflows, and the challenges you might face while using it.

Venue: Bar Bellavista, Hotel Brufani, Piazza Italia 12, Perugia.

For more information or questions about the event, please feel free to contact us:



*with an in-depth focus on emblematic women journalists from India, Lebanon, Mexico, the UK and the Philippines. We’re currently working on case studies from South Africa, Malta and Ukraine.