The International Journalism Festival weekly round-up. Stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletter, by following our Telegram channel, or by joining us on Facebook and Twitter.
How to maintain mental hygiene as an open-source investigator. Always mute videos and fast-forward through them first. Blur images and only view them if absolutely necessary.
Podcasters first wanted your ears, now they want your eyes too. YouTube is the most preferred podcast platform among regular listeners, ahead of Spotify and Apple.
Fleet Street bosses battle to revive newsroom spirit in the age of flexible working. UK media WFH policies are generally hybrid/flexible. But editors are keen to rebuild a pre-pandemic atmosphere.
Rappler has been cleared of tax evasion charges. “Facts win, truth wins, justice wins,” said Maria Ressa, Rappler’s CEO.
10 years fighting for journalists’ rights. Freedom of the Press Foundation’s 2022 Impact Report.
New Vice editor Zing Tsjeng on reaching Gen Z and weathering downturn. What makes a Vice story? “We take the serious things lightly and the light things seriously.”
Davos 2023: Looking ahead. What to anticipate at one of the year’s largest gatherings of global decision-makers––watch the interviews here.

Science misinformation: journalism in the age of truth decay. The Pulitzer Center is seeking applications for in-depth and investigative stories related to science misinformation, science denial, and the spread of pseudoscience.
Applications are now open for Journalist Fellowships. The Journalist Fellowship Programme at the Reuters Institute in Oxford is one of the world’s leading schemes for practising, mid-career journalists to take some time out from their day jobs to explore journalism in depth. Apply by 6 February 2023.
The Anja Niedringhaus Courage in Photojournalism Award. With this award, the IWMF celebrates the courageous work of women photojournalists like Anja who inspire us to take action and better understand the world. Winners will receive a cash prize of $20,000 and have their work showcased during an award ceremony. Apply by 3 March 2023.
Solutions Journalism Accelerator. The European Journalism Centre in partnership with the Solutions Journalism Network has launched the Solutions Journalism Accelerator that is supporting up to 18 European media orgs reporting on long-term solutions-focused development journalism. Grants of up to €130,000 available. Apply by 2 February 2023.
It’s time to discover what’s next. The Next Challenge for Media & Journalism is a US startup competition seeking groundbreaking for-profit and nonprofit startups that will reinvent media in the coming decade. Apply by 17 February 2023.
Image credit: by PayPal.me/FelixMittermeier from Pixabay