Stories on Umbria International Journalism Award 2016

The Perugia and Terni Chambers of Commerce hereby announce the seventh “Stories on Umbria” international journalism award.

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The Perugia and Terni Chambers of Commerce hereby announce the seventh “Stories on Umbria” international journalism award.

The competition invites the submission of articles and video services covering artistic-cultural-environmental highlights and the high-quality economic system of the region, improving Umbria’s visibility both in Italy and worldwide.

Total prize money is €7,500. The deadline for submissions is 01 April 2016. The awards ceremony will be held in June 2016 in Perugia.

The award is divided into three categories:

1. Tourism, Nature and Culture: photographic-journalistic articles about the region’s artistic, cultural and environmental treasures, published in national or international newspapers, periodicals or online publications between 01 January 2015 and 31 March 2016 may be submitted. The prize is €2,500

2. Business, Products and Jobs: photographic-journalistic articles about interesting jobs, business and high-quality production system, published in national or international newspapers, periodicals or online publications between 01 January 2015 and 31 March 2016 may be submitted. The prize is €2,500

3. Video: features aired on an official broadcast channel or published on the web between 01 January 2015 and 31 March 2016 may be submitted. The prize is €2,500.

For further information and details of the submission procedure please click here.