Mexico, drug-trafficking and journalism: silence and death

Mexico, together with Honduras and Pakistan, is the most dangerous country in the world for journalists. Fourteen journalists were murdered in 2010, 68 in the past ten years. Threats, violence, intimidation, kidnappings are the order of the day for journalists there. Whoever dares to write about drug-trafficking, or to look into the links between the drug-traffickers and politicians and public institutions, or to denounce corruption and widespread illegality, does so in full knowledge of putting his/her life at risk.

Malcolm Beith author The Last Narco
Gennaro Carotenuto University of Macerata
Anabel Hernandez author Los Senores del Narco
Cecilia Rinaldini RAI Radio News
Cynthia Rodriguez author Contacto en Italia. El pacto entre la Ndrangheta y Los Zetas

Wednesday, 13th of April
Hotel Brufani – Sala Raffaello, 6pm