friday 27 april: what’s on at the festival

Social media deeply impacted the work of journalists in the last years. During its third day, the International Journalism Festival dedicates several events that address the many questions raised by this phenomenon. A workshop (10 am, Hotel Sangallo) by Claire Wardle explains how to use social media to build audencies and create community. The increasing importance of mobile journalism is discussed (12 am, Teatro del Pavone) by the president of Samsung Electronics, Young Lee, together with Luigi Contu (editor-in-chief ANSA), Marco Patuano (COO Telecom Italia), Paolo Ruffini (director La7), Jacopo Tondelli (editor and social media curator Claudia Vago. How to leverage the power of online citizens through social media is the subject of a panel (2 pm, Hotel Sangallo) on the need To ensure that the internet remains a place that can empower requires commitment and action. And Andy Carvin, the NPR journalist who tweeted the revolutions, will hold a keynote speech (5 pm, Teatro del Pavone) on how to capture history, 140 characters at a time. The use of smartphones (and the Internet at large), through which tweets are increasingly sent, is analitically discussed (1 pm, Hotel Sangallo) in the results presented by Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Research Center. Whistleblowing and the transparency movement in relation to journalism are explored in two panels, one (10 am, Centro Servizi G. Alessi) involving Charlie Beckett (LSE), Fabio Chiusi (ilNichilista) and freelance journalist and author Heather Brooke, the other (6.30 pm, Sala Baldeschi) WikiLeaks’s Kristinn Hranfnsson, random GlobaLeaks contributor and hacker Arturò Filastò, Luca De Biase (President, Ahref Foundation), Guido Romeo (Wired) and Alessandro Rodolfi (University of Milan). Two workshops investigate how to better rewrite the rules of Internet governance in respect to defamation, trolling, hate speech and harmful content (10 am, Hotel Brufani) and concerning copyright (11.30 Hotel Brufani). The economic crisis too is discussed in two events: the first (10.30 am, Sala Lippi), organized in association with the European Commission, asks how to fight the skyrocketing percentages of youth unemployment; the second (2 pm, Auditorium Conservatorio di Musica), with former Minister and chairman of Aspen Institute Italia Giulio Tremonti, on the role and impact of the mass media on the euro. The Hacker’s Corner also begins with two workshops on firewalls (1 pm, Hotel Brufani) and ethical hacking (5.30, Hotel Brufani). A keynote speech by Stefano Rodotà (11 am, Teatro del Pavone) addresses democracy, power and media in the age of knowledge.

Read the full programme.