#ijf16 day by day: Wednesday 6 April

#ijf16 - Day 1


We invite you to check out the full festival programme on the website, but to provide a taster we have prepared the following brief overview. By clicking on +info► you can link to full details of each session, and then add it if you wish to your personal festival day-by-day agenda on your computer or smartphone.

14:00 – 16:00 > Hotel Sangallo | data journalism
Tools for the collection, organization and analysis of data +info►
This is a session to learn the main tools and methods to collect, organize, enrich and analyze data. Data journalists of the Dataninja School will provide practical examples to enable participants to acquire introductory notions in order to enhance their skills in data management.

15:00 – 16:00 > Centro Servizi G. Alessi | presentation
Investigative research 101 +info►
How do you get an idea to work on, shape your hypothesis, think about documents and freedom of information requests as well as find and open human sources? How do you avoid getting lost? And in the end: How do you confront your subjects? Join to start your first investigation or get a refresher on how to structure your work.

15:00 – 16:00 > Hotel Brufani – Sala Raffaello | workshop
Google Advanced Search, Images & Trends +info►
Learn how to use Advanced Search and search operators in order to improve your chances to find the right informations on the web: lower the background noise, choose the proper archives, reduce the searching time. Organised in association with Google News Lab.

16:00 – 17:00 > Hotel Brufani – Sala Priori | law&order
Journalism and protection of journalistic sources +info►
The protection of sources is one of the foundations of a journalist’s work. Not surprisingly, it is the law itself that establishes a legal protection so that the journalist is allowed not to disclose his sources, even if he is on trial. Maintaining the delicate balance between freedom of the press and the need for justice, however, requires legal assessments and technical skills so as to avoid compromising any such fundamental rights. We will try, therefore, to outline the ideal process to achieve this balance, taking into account important laws, precedents and the most effective technical tools to use.

16:00 – 17:00 > Centro Servizi G. Alessi | presentation
Whistleblowing and reporting on sexual violence +info►
How IRPI conducted an international investigation working with 15 victims of sexual violence after the story was leaked to reporters. The story, nicknamed “the couchsurfing rapist” was published in 10 different media of the world. The panel will also have Gavin Rees from the Dart Centre explaining how he trained IRPI journalists in talking to victims of violence and how the Dart Centre can support victims and journalists in cases of sexual abuses.

16:00 – 17:00 > Palazzo Sorbello | presentation
Reporting on suicide +info►
How journalism deals with cases of suicide. The session will consider the following issues; how best to report on a suicide, the choice of details to be provided, the use of images, the verification of sources, the need to avoid intrusion into the lives of family and friends of the deceased, the emulation risk, the World Health Organisation recommendations and the guidelines of the main international institutions specialised in the subject. In essence, how to maintain the delicate balance between respecting the dignity of all those involved and the need to inform.

16:00 – 17:30 > Hotel Brufani – Sala Raffaello | panel discussion
Tackling complex issues in the media: the example of genetically modified crops +info►
Genetically modified crops, also called transgenic plants or GMO, have been in existence for over thirty years and have been used in agriculture for more than twenty years. They now represent more than 12% of the land cultivated globally and they are one of the main topics of media discussion about agriculture. Despite the extensive media coverage, however, opinions on this subject seem to be based more on political and ideological elements than on knowledge of the crops themselves and of the motivations that lead to scientists producing them and to farmers growing them. In this session the world of science and the world of media will try to clear the air.

16:00 – 17:30 > Hotel Sangallo | data journalism
Joining multiple Excel files with Python +info►
Sometimes we find the data we need only to realise they are scattered across dozens or hundreds of Excel reports, divided by year, month etc. They have the same structure, they’re could be even nice for a human being to read, but they’re the worst to anything with data analysis applications. A copy paste nightmare awaits anyone who wants to create one clean and nice spreadsheet with the consolidated data. This hands-on session will teach beginners in Python how to write a simple script that will extract the information from the Excel files and join them together in one CSV for further analysis.

16:30 – 18:00 > Teatro della Sapienza | panel discussion
Crime news: collateral effects +info►
The arrival of the TV cameras, the search for the culprit(s), the media trial; they all affect the economic and social life of the location where a crime takes place. Despite the crisis of mainstream TV, programmes that deal with high-profile crimes are among the most popular. The session will take as its starting point a report written by the Perugia Journalism School on this phenomenon, which has exploded over the last 15 years and continues unabated.

17:00 – 18:00 > Palazzo Sorbello | presentation
Less hate, more speech: breaking the bad in online comments +info►
The main goal of Less Hate, More Speech is to understand the narratives and frames that might make people find the better angels in themselves, i.e. make them stop expressing, acting, talking in prejudiced, intolerant, discriminatory and uncivil ways in the public domain.

17:00 – 18:00 > Hotel Brufani – Sala Perugino | presentation
TV storytelling: how to focus and structure stories audiences will remember +info►
This presentation focuses on innovative tools for focusing and structuring television features and certain documentaries. Participants will learn classic storytelling devices for telling strong television stories that connect with audiences.

17:30 – 19:00 > Hotel Brufani – Sala Raffaello | panel discussion
Does independence in journalism have a future? +info►
Independent high-quality journalism is struggling to find sources of funding – so alternative sources like governments, private companies, non-state actors and the public invest into media. But is that a good thing only? What do the various sources of funding imply and what are the pitfalls? The aim of this session is to reflect more deeply about different levels of scope, objectives, bias, engagement and motivation for media in the current context. A debate with the attendees will follow.

17:30 – 19:30 > Hotel Sangallo | workshop
Twitter and Periscope masterclass for journalists +info►
The purpose of this masterclass is to provide journalists as well as journalism students with the know-how to use Twitter and Periscope for their daily work. The participants will be walked through the Twitter ecosystem and will discover how to successfully use this social media platform to research, curate and spread information in real-time and without any barriers. There will be special focus on Periscope, the 1-year-old app representing the ultimate frontier of live reporting.

18:00 – 19:00 > Palazzo Sorbello | presentation
MOOCs as a tool in journalism education: what works and what doesn’t? +info►
Open online education and especially MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are a recent trend in (journalism) education. What are the challenges? Torial Academy, hosted by the journalism platform torial.com, started with open web meetings. We will briefly present our first international attempt on the issue of migration, point out in which ways it didn’t meet our own expectations and show our lessons learnt by best practice examples.

18:00 – 19:00 > Centro Servizi G. Alessi | panel discussion
Between civic and data journalism: how to work on a crowdsourced journalistic investigation +info►
Here’s your menu: data-driven reporting, crowdmapping, social media, online petitions, whistleblowing platforms. Choose one, some or all of them. How best to involve citizens (and indeed other journalists) in creating journalism of quality and/or of public interest. And what tools to use to best achieve this.

18:00 – 19:30 > Sala dei Notari | in conversation
The history of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome: with Alberto Angela +info►
Alberto Angela presents his latest book entitled ‘San Pietro. Segreti e meraviglie in un racconto lungo duemila anni’ (Rizzoli, 2015).

20:30 – 22:00 > Cinema Postmodernissimo | documentary
The Russian woodpecker +info►
On the thirtieth anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, a preview of The Russian Woodpecker, the movie directed by Chad Gracia which won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance in 2015.

21:00 – 22:30 > Teatro della Sapienza | theatre show
The theatre of objects: a monologue-show by Fulvio Abbate +info►
The theatre of objects is a tale of world history through objects, a narrative based on showing things, certain that even the most modest memento, say an advertising ashtray, may lead to a story or even contribute to an epic starting point.