On the fourth day of the festival the focus of attention has moved from new forms and instruments of journalism in the digital era to the relations with audience. This issue was the key idea of Jeff Jarvis’ speech, one of the events much discussed online. For Jervis, we should listen more to our audience, pay more attention for its needs and offer a service, not just content.
Journalists have to become community organisers, advocates for justice + educators, according to Jeff Jarvis. #ijf15 pic.twitter.com/QSbbFNt63f
— Aine Kerr (@AineKerr) 18 Aprile 2015
Journalism needs a new business model, based on relations with real, already existing communities. To build these relations we should first study attentively the communities of our readers and perceive them not as “the masses”, but as individuals.
Il giornale deve diventare un abilitatore di relazioni @massimo_russo #ijf15
— Gio. Boccia Artieri (@gba_mm) 18 Aprile 2015
Membership is at the heart of this new journalism economy: it is not about subscriptions, but mostly about the engagement of the audience.
La parola chiave di cui sentirai parlare molto, non solo per il futuro dell’editoria è membership #ijf15 #MembershipEconomy
— Luca Conti (@pandemia) 18 Aprile 2015
1. New relationships = membership, that means not only subscriptions but also engage & reward audience – @jeffjarvis #ijf15
— Donata Columbro (@dontyna) 18 Aprile 2015
To succeed economically, journalism has to offer not only information, but also the additional value of personalized service.
@jeffjarvis e la misura dell’attenzione “Dobbiamo cercare di capire il vero valore del giornalismo nella vita delle persone” #ijf15
— Rosy Battaglia (@rosybattaglia) 18 Aprile 2015