April 15th
SPEAKERS: Livia Iacolare and Jerome Tomasini
Livia Iacolare (manager media partnerships Twitter Italy) and Jérôme Tomasini (head of news & politics Twitter France) realised a Workshop this afternoon highlighting better ways to use Twitter and how to improve an account.
Jérôme began his speech emphasazing the fact that, nowadays, everybody can become a source and, more than that, people are currently doing the job that journalists do: sharing information. Moreover, Twitter provides a real time content what may improve people’s popularity in this tool considering that the followers will be able to get updated about their tweets and important events that can be happening around them.
As also said by Jérôme: ” the conversation on Twitter becomes global” since there is the possibility to have your Twitter account linked by some media outlets as a good source to be followed. When you post your tweets can escape from the website and, very often, can be embeded on the web.
” To optmise the accounts that you follow on Twitter ” was s topic brought up by Jerome and Livia: according to them it is important to follow people who you are in contact with as well as foreigners counterparts.
Twitter give ite users the possibility to create a list of certain people or topics so that people might be able to keep monitoring subjects and characters that are interesting and useful to them. Furthermore, as affirmed by Jérôme, these lists can improve the users’ expertise and also, consequently, these lists make some accounts more popular among the owners of the accounts that are in these special lists as they receive a notification saying that they were listed by certain users.
Livia talked about Tweetdeck which is a tool that can only be acessed in a computer. Tweetdeck enable people to search and filter topics on Twitter effectively. With this certain tool it is possible to specify what you are looking for on Twitter: language, hashtags, tweets from the past, tweets that were posted in an specific area, etc. Livia also said that Tweetdeck is a good tool to check if some posts and accounts are reliable or not.
Jerome mentioned the fact that every journalist has to be on Twitter because is a massive public tool and enable them to show their identity considering the fact that there is a high possibility that their accounts can appear on google. Twitter is a tool where people can promote their work or even things that are important to them. Moreover, Twitter can make people become well-known and stand out from the crowd.
As one of the final thoughts brought by the panel was the fact that people on Twitter are looking for interesting, short and shareable tweets. According to some datas, tweets that are multimedia with pictures, videos, datas and numbers are more engaging than the others.
Gabriela Fernandez