How to write about an African election, people-powered storytelling, and a $1m initiative to protect climate journalists

The International Journalism Festival weekly round-up. Stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletterby following our Telegram channel, or by joining us on X and Facebook.

How to write about an African election: a guide. African elections are typically stories of ethnic tension, corruption and stereotypes that portray African elections as chaotic and illegitimate. These stereotypes overlook the complexities and nuances of the continent’s electoral processes

People-powered storytelling. A new collaborative series showcasing the transformative power of grassroots, community-centred media across the UK. This project brings together ten dynamic news and media organisations, each dedicated to creating stories driven by real, lived experiences

CPJ announces $1m initiative to protect climate journalists. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) today announced the Climate Crisis Journalist Protection Initiative, which will ensure that journalists reporting on climate issues are able to do so freely and safely. The initiative will provide climate journalists with assistance, safety training, and other forms of support

India: journalist fatally shot. Broadcast journalist Salman Ali Khan was fatally shot by unknown assailants on 17 September in the western Rajgarh district of Madhya Pradesh

Israel orders 45-day closure of Al Jazeera West Bank office. The Israeli military has raided the offices of news broadcaster Al Jazeera in Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank, confiscated its equipment and ordered it to close for an initial period of 45 days

AI in Journalism Futures 2024. The advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has demonstrated new capabilities with such obvious and profound implications for journalism that AI-driven innovation is fast becoming the urgent focus of many newsrooms across the world. But beyond the near-term implications, we believe that AI, and Large Language Models (LLMs) in particular, are likely to bring about significant and lasting structural change to information ecosystems as we know them

Content from our partner McKinsey & Company

Successful leaders constantly reinvent themselves and their organizations
. Critical to this reinvention is adopting an “inside out” approach that focuses on the human aspects of leadership. Find out more on the latest Five Fifty from McKinsey Quarterly.

On slicks and satellites: an open-source guide to marine oil spill detection. With a wealth of open-source earth observation tools at our fingertips, it’s possible to identify and monitor these spills, highlight at-risk areas, and even hold perpetrators accountable

How Ukrainian media is navigating the challenge of reporting ethically on the Russian invasion. Many news organizations are adapting to the realities brought by the ongoing conflict

Internews launches the Media Viability Accelerator. With support from USAID and Microsoft, new digital platform boosts the resilience of independent media worldwide

What can newsrooms learn from Swedish Radio AI strategy? Interview with Olle Zachrison, Head of Artificial Intelligence & News Strategy at Swedish Radio, on how to potentially gain 1.4 million new consumers and improve content recommendation using AI

Unveiling the États Généraux de l’Information. Last week in Paris, the final report of the États Généraux de l’Information was unveiled, the culmination of nine months of collective and participatory work to chart a path toward an informational future that safeguards our core democratic values—beginning with freedom of expression and pluralism

The challenges of journalism in exile in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Forced into exile, veteran journalist and Golden Pen of Freedom alum Carlos Chamorro drives home the critical need to promote and support journalists in exile – who continue to deliver quality reporting and investigations, under deadly conditions

We need to change the way journalism is funded in Europe. The case for EU funding reform

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