When a government becomes a troll, free press under threat in Europe, India-Pakistan crisis

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Edited by Marco Nurra

The free press under threat in Central Europe. Despite financial challenges and government pressure, independent newsrooms in Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Poland are finding ways to keep reporting.
🔔 We’ll tackle the topic of media under attack in Europe at #ijf19 on these panels: “Hungary: media in an illiberal democracy“, “Journalists under fire: protecting journalists reporting on corruption in Europe“, “Matthew Caruana Galizia ijf19TALK

How the Saudis made Jeff Bezos public enemy no. 1. “It sounded almost like a conspiracy theory when Jeff Bezos not-so-subtly hinted that there might be a Saudi connection to the attempt to strong-arm him with his ‘below the belt selfies’. But there’s mounting evidence that the de facto ruler of the kingdom has been trying to punish Bezos for the fierce coverage by his newspaper, The Washington Post, of the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. This effort began months prior to the aggressive approach by the National Enquirer’s parent company.”
🔔 Iyad El-Baghdadi will be a #ijf19 speaker: “Jamal Khashoggi: born 13 October 1958 (Medina) murdered 02 October 2018 (Istanbul)“, “The Arab winter

‘Safety in numbers’: Philippine fact-checkers team up to debunk election misinformation. Maria Ressa celebrated the launch of a new collaborative fact-checking project. Two days later, she was arrested on “cyber libel” charges.
🔔 Maria Ressa will be a #ijf19 speaker

A Journalist trolled by her own government. The journalist Maria Ressa is facing both criminal charges and social media threats.
🔔 We’ll tackle this topic at #ijf19 on these panels: “When a state trolls: strategies for responding to online harassment against journalists“, “How we can fight the political undermining of the media and promote freedom of expression“, “How to fight back against the censors?

India and Pakistan: while two nuclear powers were on the brink of war, a full-blown online misinformation battle was underway. The ongoing border conflict between India and Pakistan has brought to fore the massive misinformation problems festering in both countries’ media. There’s politics, religion, enemy nations, and a surge of nationalism in this situation. It’s the perfect storm.
🔔 We’ll tackle this topic at #ijf19: “Freedom after expression: censorship of the press and violence against journalists in India and PakistanMediaWise’s teen fact-checking network: How 18 teenagers are fighting misinformation on social media. Eighteen students have helped fact-check the internet by creating videos that focus on how you can debunk misinformation online.

Want to start a collaborative journalism project? Google News Initiative is launching a new Collaborative Reporting Toolkit with ProPublica to help newsrooms build their own collaborative projects such as “DocumentHate” and “Electionland”.
🔔 Olivia Ma (director Google News Lab) will be a #ijf19 speaker

What you need to know before starting your crowdfunding campaign. Advice from four experts who successfully funded their journalism initiatives with the help of their communities.
🔔Clara Jiménez Cruz and Sebastian Esser will be #ijf19 speakers

Why tech platforms need to be built on journalistic values. “Tech companies can be part of the solution to misinformation and lack of consumer trust—but only if they embrace and value quality journalism”.
🔔 Gabriella Schwarz will be a #ijf19 speaker

Deepnews.ai, progress report #3. “We have built a series of models to understand the characteristics of in-depth, quality journalism as opposed to commodity news.”
🔔 Frederic Filloux will be a #ijf19 speaker

Europe against the net. “I see danger for the net and its freedoms posed by corporate protectionism and a rising moral panic about technology.”
🔔 Jeff Jarvis will be a #ijf19 speaker

Come and join us! #ijf19

See you at #ijf19, 3-7 April 2019http://www.journalismfestival.comCome and join us! ✌️

Pubblicato da International Journalism Festival su Lunedì 11 febbraio 2019

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