Andrew Finkel

co-founder P24

Andrew Finkel has been a journalist based in Turkey since 1989, during which time he has corresponded for a variety of print and broadcast media including The Daily Telegraph, The Times, The Economist, TIME and CNN. More unusually, he has worked in the Turkish language press both in the news room and as a featured columnist (Sabah, Milliyet, Taraf) and appears frequently on Turkish television. He has been a regular contributor to the Latitude section of the International New York Times and to Reuters Opinion. His freelance articles and editorials have appeared in a variety of publications including The Washington Post, The Guardian, the Observer, Foreign Affairs, The Financial Times and Le Monde Diplomatique. His opinions have been sought for a variety of broadcast current affairs programmes including CBS 60 Minutes and Al-Jazeera English. He is also the contributing editor and restaurant critic of Cornucopia Magazine.

Finkel is a founder and vice-president of P24, a Turkish-registered NGO whose mission is to strengthen the integrity of independent media in Turkey. It does this through a wide range of activities from press monitoring, investigative journalism bursaries, journalistic training and public advocacy. Andew Finkel participated in a mission organised by Freedom House to investigate media freedom in Turkey in November 2013. He was a Knight Wallace Journalist Fellow at the University of Michigan and a Reagan Fascell Democracy Fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington. He is the author of scholarly articles on press integrity. His second book, entitled Turkey: What Everyone Needs to Know, is published by Oxford University Press.

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Events in past editions
#IJF15 / 18 april 2015

Turkey: a media under siege

International organisations whose brief it is to defend journalists from oppressive regimes have long focused on Turkey as a country which imprisons individuals for the expression of unwelcome news ...