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Speakers 2016
from outside Italy
All speakers 2016
Agur Colin
School of Journalism University of Minnesota
Al Khatib Hadi
founder The Syrian Archive
Aleckovic Lamija
Alhamza Abdalaziz
founder Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently
Alibhai-Brown Yasmin
journalist and author
Altintas Baris
Andrade Diogo Queiroz
journalist and author
Arellanes Douglas
co-founder Sourcefabric
Aremeyaw Anas Anas
undercover journalist
Arenstein Justin
director Code For Africa
Babakar Mevan
head of automated fact-checking Full Fact
Barber Greg
director digital news projects The Washington Post
Barber Marsha
Ryerson School of Journalism
Barnathan Joyce
president ICFJ
Barot Trushar
mobile editor BBC World Service
Beckedahl Markus
founder and editor Netzpolitik (via video)
Beckett Charlie
director Polis London School of Economics
Belair-Gagnon Valerie
School of Journalism Univ. of Minnesota
Belam Martin
social & new formats editor The Guardian
Bell Emily
director Tow Center for Digital Journalism
Bell Fergus
co-founder and CEO Fathm
Bernaola Itziar
deputy director El Obietivo
Bettoni Margherita
Black Crofton
Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Blecher Ludovic
head of Google News Initiative Innovation
Bodea Roxana
executive director Median Research Centre
Bogaerts Geert-Jan
director digital media VPRO
Bogdani Aleksandra
Balkan Investigative Reporting Network
Borogan Irina
deputy editor Agentura.ru
Bosco Francesca
chief strategy and partnership officer CyberPeace Institute (via video)
Bouyer Anne-Lise
head of product & technology Correctiv
Braun Michael
Die Tageszeitung
Brock George
journalist and author
Broddle Alison
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Brooke Heather
Department of Journalism City University
Broussard Meredith
Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute
Browne Malachy
Europe anchor Reported.ly
Campion Mukti Jain
founder Culture Wise
Carney Jay
senior VP global corporate affairs Amazon
Carvin Andy
senior editor-at-large NowThis News
Cherubini Federica
director leadership development RISJ
Chinnappa Madhav
VP partnerships Human Native AI
Coban Murat
Colebourn Richard
Europe bureaux editor BBC News
Cooke Matt
head of Google News Lab
Coskun Canan
Coyer Kate
Central European University
Craig Iona
freelance journalist
Crawford David
Crowley John
co-director Headlines Network
D'Orazio Francesco
co-founder and VP product Pulsar
Dabbous Susan
freelance journalist
Darbishire Helen
founder and director Access Info Europe
Debrouwere Stijn
analytics expert
Degen Guy
freelance journalist
Dehesdin Cecile
editor-in-chief Buzzfeed France
Derakhshan Hossein
author and media researcher (via video)
DeVigal Andrew
Agora Journalism Center University of Oregon
Di Salvo Philip
visiting fellow London School of Economics
Diakopoulos Nicholas
director Computational Journalism Lab Northwestern Univ.
Djassi Janto
Refugee Radio Network
Drepper Daniel
head of investigative cooperations NDR, WDR & Süddeutsche Zeitung
Dubberley Sam
managing director Digital Investigations Lab Human Rights Watch
Duch Guillot Jaume
director for media European Parliament
Dukureh Jaha
survivor activist
Eeman Ezra
strategy and innovation director NPO
Eesa Hussam
founder Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently
El-Baghdadi Iyad
fellow Civita
Fancher Mike
Washington Coalition for Open Government
Farano Adriano
founder and CEO Pactio
Ferguson Kate
director Protection Approaches
Fielding-Smith Abigail
Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Fischer Frederik
chief editor Piqd.de
Foederl-Schmid Alexandra
Israel correspondent Süddeutsche Zeitung
Forlin Luca
head of strategic partnerships Google
Frith Holden
editor The Week
Garrod Mike
founder and managing director World Fixer
Geary Joanna
head of content and audience Bloomberg
Gillmor Dan
co-founder News Co/Lab Arizona State University (via video)
Giraud Caroline
Global Forum for Media Development
Goering Laurie
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Goetz John
Goodman Emma
Department of Media and Communications LSE
Goodman Garrett
VP sales Papercup
Goslinga Maaike
managing editor De Correspondent
Graefe Andreas
Tow Center for Digital Journalism
Grasso Daniele
El Confidencial
Greste Peter
Al Jazeera English
Gruhnwald Sylke
SRF Data
Guarnieri Claudio
The Citizen Lab University of Toronto
Gursel Kadri
columnist Medyascope
Gyldensted Cathrine
University of Windesheim
Haeg Andrew
founder and CEO GroundSource
Hamilton Mary
executive editor audience The Guardian
Harman Gulsin
International Press Institute
Harrison Sarah
Helal Ibrahim
editorial advisor Aljazeera Network
Heravi Bahareh
Institute for People-Centred AI University of Surrey
Herman Burt
co-founder Hacks/Hackers
Heron Liz
executive editor The Huffington Post
Horn Sebastian
deputy editor-in-chief Zeit Online
Hussain Abdurahman
film-maker and producer
Ingram Mathew
chief digital writer Columbia Journalism Review
Ishaq Sara
film director
Ivanovic Milorad
editor-in-chief Newsweek Serbia
Jaksic Bosko
Jelenkowska-Luca Ewelina
head of communications DG CONNECT European Commission
Jenkins Mandy
general manager The Compass Experiment
Jockers Simon
Jolley Rachael
editor Index on Censorship
Kalita Mitra
co-founder URL Media
Kaltheuner Frederike
University of Amsterdam
Kambhampati Sandhya
fellow Knight-Mozilla OpenNews
Kaplan Renée
head of news ARTE
Khoder Salam
Flair Media Consultancy
Kingsley Patrick
The Guardian (via skype)
Kochavi Adi
data story producer Vocativ Films
Koschyk Maximiliane
Deutsche Welle
Langer Ulrike
freelance journalist
Lau Svenja
Hamburg Media School
Laufer Peter
School of Journalism University of Oregon
Lavallee Marc
director technology product and strategy journalism program Knight Foundation
LeCompte Celeste
director business development ProPublica
Lekovic Sasa
president Investigative Journalism Center
Leopold Juliane
freelance digital consultant
Little Mark
media entrepreneur and consultant
Llewellyn Sue
digital strategy consultant
Louderback Jim
creator economy adept
Lucero Megan
director The Bureau Local
MacAskill Ewen
The Guardian
Macaulay Larry
founder and editor Refugee Radio Network
Manco Gaia
freelance journalist
Manuli Gabriela
director special projects International Press Institute
Marcus Lucy
CEO Marcus Venture Consulting
Marthoz Jean-Paul
Le Soir
Mason Paul
freelance journalist
Matejcic Barbara
freelance journalist
Mayer Catherine
journalist and author
McCann Samantha
Solutions Journalism Network
McClenaghan Maeve
Bureau of Investigative Journalism
McHugh Claire
CEO Axonista
Medina Pablo
El Mundo Data
Merelli Annalisa
Messinis Aris
chief photographer AFP Athens
Mhanna Ayman
executive director Samir Kassir Foundation
Millar Erin
co-founder and CEO Indiegraf
Mina An Xiao
Montgomery Robb
mobile journalism expert
Murillo Alfredo
founding editor Buzzfeed Spain
Murphy Maggie
Transparency International
Mushtaq Laith
executive manager Flair Media Consultancy
Myers Justin
automation editor Associated Press
Narisetti Raju
partner global publishing McKinsey & Company
Neufeld James
founder and CEO SAM
Niculescu Cristian
Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism
Nielsen Rasmus
director Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Orchard Rob
co-founder and editor Slow Journalism Company
Padania Sameer
director Macroscope Consultancy
Pain Julien
editor-in-chief Observers France 24
Palmer Robert
Global Witness
Patrucic Miranda
editor-in-chief OCCRP
Peters Justin
Phillips Gill
dir. legal services The Guardian (via skype)
Picazo Belen
Pilhofer Aron
chief product officer Star Tribune Media Company
Pires Marco Tulio
director School of Data
Popescu Marina
Central European University
Posetti Julie
VP global research International Center for Journalists
Price Roy
vice president Amazon Studios
Quigley Paul
co-founder and CEO NewsWhip
Radu Paul
co-founder OCCRP
Ramirez Maria
director of strategy eldiario.es
Rees Gavin
senior advisor training & innovation Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma
Reinhold Theresia
European Digital Rights
Rendle Adam
senior associate Taylor Wessing
Richter Frederik
Riley Kate
BBC News
Rojano Borja
CEO Tapewrite.com
Rose Mandy
director Digital Cultures Research Centre
Rosenbach Marcel
Der Spiegel
Rothler David
University of Salzburg
Ruetten Wilfried
ex director European Journalism Centre
Runde Wilfried
head of research Deutsche Welle
Sambrook Richard
director Centre for Journalism Cardiff Univ.
Sandvik Linda
fellow Knight-Mozilla OpenNews
Sargent Jenni
managing director First Draft
Schiller Vivian
VP and executive director Aspen Digital
Serra Barbara
Sky News UK (via video)
Shaw Craig
freelance journalist
Shehwaro Marcell
Dispatches From Syria
Shumanov Ilya
Transparency International Russia
Sikka Madhulika
news executive
Silverman Craig
national reporter ProPublica
Simeth David
Torial Academy
Simon Basile
The Times
Skarlatos Theopi
journalist and film-maker
Smouter Karel
deputy editor-in-chief De Correspondent
Soldatov Andrei
editor Agentura.ru
Sonnenfeld Isabelle
head of Google News Lab EMEA
Spangenberg Jochen
deputy head of research and cooperation projects Deutsche Welle
Srivastava Lina
founder Center for Transformational Change
Stabe Martin
data editor The Financial Times
Standage Tom
deputy editor The Economist
Stearns Josh
director Local News Lab GR Dodge Foundation
Steen Michael
head of media relations European Central Bank
Stencel Mark
co-director Duke Reporters' Lab
Stern Gabriella
media director Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation
Stevis Matina
The Wall Street Journal
Stroehlein Andrew
EU media director Human Rights Watch
Suarez Roberto
head of Media Intelligence Service EBU
Tolontan Catalin
journalist and author
Usher Nikki
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Vaccari Cristian
Royal Holloway University of London
Verheyden Tim
VRT News
Vidal Ignacio Gonzalez
founder En Caliente Prensa Libre
Vilchez Danae
Vis Farida
director Visual Social Media Lab
Volan Ingeborg
director publishing Dagens Næringsliv
von Habsburg Georg
ambassador plenipotentiary Hungary
Vujovic Oliver
secretary-general SEEMO
Waite Matt
founder Drone Journalism Lab Univ. of Nebraska
Wardle Claire
Department of Communication Cornell University (via video)
Wehrmeyer Stefan
Weichert Stephan
co-founder VOCER Institute for Digital Resilience
Wolff Stefan
POLSIS University of Birmingham
York Jillian
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Zamora Amanda
senior engagement editor ProPublica
Zhang Christine
fellow Knight-Mozilla OpenNews
Ziedan Eva
cultural heritage specialist
Colin Agur
Hadi Al Khatib
Lamija Aleckovic
Abdalaziz Alhamza
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Baris Altintas
Diogo Queiroz Andrade
Douglas Arellanes
Anas Aremeyaw Anas
Justin Arenstein
Mevan Babakar
Greg Barber
Marsha Barber
Joyce Barnathan
Trushar Barot
Markus Beckedahl
Charlie Beckett
Valerie Belair-Gagnon
Martin Belam
Emily Bell
Fergus Bell
Itziar Bernaola
Margherita Bettoni
Crofton Black
Ludovic Blecher
Roxana Bodea
Geert-Jan Bogaerts
Aleksandra Bogdani
Irina Borogan
Francesca Bosco
Anne-Lise Bouyer
Michael Braun
George Brock
Alison Broddle
Heather Brooke
Meredith Broussard
Malachy Browne
Mukti Jain Campion
Jay Carney
Andy Carvin
Federica Cherubini
Madhav Chinnappa
Murat Coban
Richard Colebourn
Matt Cooke
Canan Coskun
Kate Coyer
Iona Craig
David Crawford
John Crowley
Francesco D'Orazio
Susan Dabbous
Helen Darbishire
Stijn Debrouwere
Guy Degen
Cecile Dehesdin
Hossein Derakhshan
Andrew DeVigal
Philip Di Salvo
Nicholas Diakopoulos
Janto Djassi
Daniel Drepper
Sam Dubberley
Jaume Duch Guillot
Jaha Dukureh
Ezra Eeman
Hussam Eesa
Iyad El-Baghdadi
Mike Fancher
Adriano Farano
Kate Ferguson
Abigail Fielding-Smith
Frederik Fischer
Alexandra Foederl-Schmid
Luca Forlin
Holden Frith
Mike Garrod
Joanna Geary
Dan Gillmor
Caroline Giraud
Laurie Goering
John Goetz
Emma Goodman
Garrett Goodman
Maaike Goslinga
Andreas Graefe
Daniele Grasso
Peter Greste
Sylke Gruhnwald
Claudio Guarnieri
Kadri Gursel
Cathrine Gyldensted
Andrew Haeg
Mary Hamilton
Gulsin Harman
Sarah Harrison
Ibrahim Helal
Bahareh Heravi
Burt Herman
Liz Heron
Sebastian Horn
Abdurahman Hussain
Mathew Ingram
Sara Ishaq
Milorad Ivanovic
Bosko Jaksic
Ewelina Jelenkowska-Luca
Mandy Jenkins
Simon Jockers
Rachael Jolley
Mitra Kalita
Frederike Kaltheuner
Sandhya Kambhampati
Renée Kaplan
Salam Khoder
Patrick Kingsley
Adi Kochavi
Maximiliane Koschyk
Ulrike Langer
Svenja Lau
Peter Laufer
Marc Lavallee
Celeste LeCompte
Sasa Lekovic
Juliane Leopold
Mark Little
Sue Llewellyn
Jim Louderback
Megan Lucero
Ewen MacAskill
Larry Macaulay
Gaia Manco
Gabriela Manuli
Lucy Marcus
Jean-Paul Marthoz
Paul Mason
Barbara Matejcic
Catherine Mayer
Samantha McCann
Maeve McClenaghan
Claire McHugh
Pablo Medina
Annalisa Merelli
Aris Messinis
Ayman Mhanna
Erin Millar
An Xiao Mina
Robb Montgomery
Alfredo Murillo
Maggie Murphy
Laith Mushtaq
Justin Myers
Raju Narisetti
James Neufeld
Cristian Niculescu
Rasmus Nielsen
Rob Orchard
Sameer Padania
Julien Pain
Robert Palmer
Miranda Patrucic
Justin Peters
Gill Phillips
Belen Picazo
Aron Pilhofer
Marco Tulio Pires
Marina Popescu
Julie Posetti
Roy Price
Paul Quigley
Paul Radu
Maria Ramirez
Gavin Rees
Theresia Reinhold
Adam Rendle
Frederik Richter
Kate Riley
Borja Rojano
Mandy Rose
Marcel Rosenbach
David Rothler
Wilfried Ruetten
Wilfried Runde
Richard Sambrook
Linda Sandvik
Jenni Sargent
Vivian Schiller
Barbara Serra
Craig Shaw
Marcell Shehwaro
Ilya Shumanov
Madhulika Sikka
Craig Silverman
David Simeth
Basile Simon
Theopi Skarlatos
Karel Smouter
Andrei Soldatov
Isabelle Sonnenfeld
Jochen Spangenberg
Lina Srivastava
Martin Stabe
Tom Standage
Josh Stearns
Michael Steen
Mark Stencel
Gabriella Stern
Matina Stevis
Andrew Stroehlein
Roberto Suarez
Catalin Tolontan
Nikki Usher
Cristian Vaccari
Tim Verheyden
Ignacio Gonzalez Vidal
Danae Vilchez
Farida Vis
Ingeborg Volan
Georg von Habsburg
Oliver Vujovic
Matt Waite
Claire Wardle
Stefan Wehrmeyer
Stephan Weichert
Stefan Wolff
Jillian York
Amanda Zamora
Christine Zhang
Eva Ziedan