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Speakers 2014
from outside Italy
All speakers 2014
Abdel Tawab Salwa
Al Jazeera
Abdul Karim Jaafar
Deutsche Welle
Adair Bill
Sanford School of Public Policy Duke Univ.
Al-Makhadhi Sakhr
Middle East editor AJ+
Almahmoud Hamoud
Amico Laura
founder Homicide Watch
Arenstein Justin
director Code For Africa
Ba Amadou
CEO African Media Initiative
Babinets Anna
co-founder and editor-in-chief Slidstvo.info
Ball James
political editor The New European
Barcroft Sam
founder & CEO Barcroft Media
Baydar Yavuz
blogger and media expert
Belam Martin
social & new formats editor The Guardian
Bell Fergus
co-founder and CEO Fathm
Blau Wolfgang
co-founder Oxford Climate Journalism Network
Bounegru Liliana
data journalism researcher
Brock George
journalist and author
Buttry Steve
d.t. editor Digital First Media
Cabra Mar
co-founder and executive director The Self-Investigation
Carvin Andy
senior editor-at-large NowThis News
Chinnappa Madhav
VP partnerships Human Native AI
Church Annabel
OpenNews fellow
Colebourn Richard
Europe bureaux editor BBC News
Cossu Giordano
founder Hirva Lab
Coussin Marie
Ask Media
Cunliffe-Jones Peter
senior visiting researcher University of Westminster
Dabbous Susan
freelance journalist
Dagher Sam
The Wall Street Journal
Darbishire Helen
founder and director Access Info Europe
Del Bello Lou
Di Salvo Philip
visiting fellow London School of Economics
Doig Steve
School of Journalism Arizona State University
Donald David
Center for Public Integrity
Dubberley Sam
managing director Digital Investigations Lab Human Rights Watch
Dunkley Gyimah David
University of Westminster
Dzieciolowski Zygmunt
journalist and film director
Dzyadko Tikhon
editor-in-chief Dozhd
Faiola Anthony
The Washington Post
Faris Stephan
co-founder Deca
Fleming Melissa
head of communications UNHCR
Foucault Laurence
Fraser Ed
managing editor Channel 4 News
Galant Gregory
co-founder & CEO Sawhorse Media
Galloni Alessandra
editor-in-chief Reuters
Gautier Teun
founder De Cooperatie
Geary Joanna
head of content and audience Bloomberg
Gillmor Dan
co-founder News Co/Lab Arizona State University (via video)
Gingras Richard
founding board member Center for News, Technology and Innovation
Goerlach Alexander
editor The European
González Fernando
editor-in-chief El Cronista
Goodman Emma
Department of Media and Communications LSE
Goodman Garrett
VP sales Papercup
Gruhnwald Sylke
SRF Data
Ha Daniel
CEO and co-founder Disqus
Haile Tony
CEO Chartbeat
Herman Marc
co-founder Deca
Herrmann Steve
editor BBC News online
Higgins Eliot
Brown Moses blog
Hildebrand Julia
head of beabee at CORRECTIV
Ingram Mathew
chief digital writer Columbia Journalism Review
Israely Jeff
co-founder and editor Worldcrunch
Jelenkowska-Luca Ewelina
head of communications DG CONNECT European Commission
Kabutakapua Beatrice
freelance journalist
Kaigwa Mark
founder Nendo
Kaplan David
executive director GIJN
Kaufman Frederick
author Bet The Farm
Kent Thomas
deputy managing editor Associated Press
Laitner Sarah
communities ed. The Financial Times
Laurent Antoine
media innovation strategist
Leidel Steffen
Deutsche Welle Akademie
Lewis Luke
editor Buzzfeed UK
Little Mark
media entrepreneur and consultant
Llewellyn Sue
digital strategy consultant
Maalouf Marwan
co-founder Menapolis
MacGillivray Iain
special advisor UN food agency
Machon Annie
Marcus Lucy
CEO Marcus Venture Consulting
Marin Milena
deputy director digital investigations Amnesty International
Marshall Sarah
VP audience strategy Condé Nast
Matthies Eric
film producer
Monck Adrian
managing director World Economic Forum
Mong Attila
board member Atlatszo
Moretti Eddy
CCO Vice Media Worldwide
Morrison Anne
director BBC Academy
Moy Will
CEO Full Fact
Moyo Sipho
Africa executive director ONE
Mueller Torsten
co-founder Tame
Narisetti Raju
partner global publishing McKinsey & Company
Nayem Mustafa
co-founder Hromadske.TV
Neifer Anna Maria
Westdeutscher Rundfunk
O'Clunaigh Daniel
Tactical Tech
Osorno Diego Enrique
journalist and author
Parkinson Joe
The Wall Street Journal
Patrucic Miranda
editor-in-chief OCCRP
Peralta Ramos Angelica
La Nacion
Pfauth Ernst-Jan
co-founder and CEO The Correspondent
Pilhofer Aron
chief product officer Star Tribune Media Company
Ponces Edu
co-founder RUIDO photo agency
Posetti Julie
VP global research International Center for Journalists
Radu Paul
co-founder OCCRP
Ram Sudha
director INSITE, University of Arizona
Randeree Bilal
chief program officer Media Development Investment Fund
Regalado Cindy
Rogers Simon
data editor Google
Roth Anne
Tactical Tech
Ruetten Wilfried
ex director European Journalism Centre
Rusbridger Alan
editor Prospect Magazine
Salmon Felix
senior editor Fusion
Sapag Roberto
editor-in-chief Diario Financiero
Scherer Eric
dir. future media France Télévisions
Schraven David
publisher CORRECTIV
Segnini Giannina
journalist and educator
Shainyan Karén
Shaw Craig
freelance journalist
Silverman Craig
national reporter ProPublica
Smit Margo
board member journalismfund.eu
Storm Hannah
founder and co-director Headlines Network
Sullivan Margaret
media columnist The Washington Post
Tokariuk Olga
freelance journalist
Tsubaki Rina
European Forest Institute
van den Berg Karel
journalism educator
Vieira Catherine
Valor Económico
Vis Farida
director Visual Social Media Lab
Wardle Claire
Department of Communication Cornell University (via video)
Webster Joanna
managing editor strategy & operations Reuters
Wheeler Tony
co-founder Lonely Planet
Whitaker Nicholas
media outreach lead Google
Wijnberg Rob
co-founder and editor-in-chief De Correspondent
York Jillian
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Zamora Amanda
senior engagement editor ProPublica
Zuckerman Ethan
dir. MIT Center for Civic Media
Zygar Mikhail
editor-in-chief TV RAIN
Salwa Abdel Tawab
Jaafar Abdul Karim
Bill Adair
Sakhr Al-Makhadhi
Hamoud Almahmoud
Laura Amico
Justin Arenstein
Amadou Ba
Anna Babinets
James Ball
Sam Barcroft
Yavuz Baydar
Martin Belam
Fergus Bell
Wolfgang Blau
Liliana Bounegru
George Brock
Steve Buttry
Mar Cabra
Andy Carvin
Madhav Chinnappa
Annabel Church
Richard Colebourn
Giordano Cossu
Marie Coussin
Peter Cunliffe-Jones
Susan Dabbous
Sam Dagher
Helen Darbishire
Lou Del Bello
Philip Di Salvo
Steve Doig
David Donald
Sam Dubberley
David Dunkley Gyimah
Zygmunt Dzieciolowski
Tikhon Dzyadko
Anthony Faiola
Stephan Faris
Melissa Fleming
Laurence Foucault
Ed Fraser
Gregory Galant
Alessandra Galloni
Teun Gautier
Joanna Geary
Dan Gillmor
Richard Gingras
Alexander Goerlach
Fernando González
Emma Goodman
Garrett Goodman
Sylke Gruhnwald
Daniel Ha
Tony Haile
Marc Herman
Steve Herrmann
Eliot Higgins
Julia Hildebrand
Mathew Ingram
Jeff Israely
Ewelina Jelenkowska-Luca
Beatrice Kabutakapua
Mark Kaigwa
David Kaplan
Frederick Kaufman
Thomas Kent
Sarah Laitner
Antoine Laurent
Steffen Leidel
Luke Lewis
Mark Little
Sue Llewellyn
Marwan Maalouf
Iain MacGillivray
Annie Machon
Lucy Marcus
Milena Marin
Sarah Marshall
Eric Matthies
Adrian Monck
Attila Mong
Eddy Moretti
Anne Morrison
Will Moy
Sipho Moyo
Torsten Mueller
Raju Narisetti
Mustafa Nayem
Anna Maria Neifer
Daniel O'Clunaigh
Diego Enrique Osorno
Joe Parkinson
Miranda Patrucic
Angelica Peralta Ramos
Ernst-Jan Pfauth
Aron Pilhofer
Edu Ponces
Julie Posetti
Paul Radu
Sudha Ram
Bilal Randeree
Cindy Regalado
Simon Rogers
Anne Roth
Wilfried Ruetten
Alan Rusbridger
Felix Salmon
Roberto Sapag
Eric Scherer
David Schraven
Giannina Segnini
Karén Shainyan
Craig Shaw
Craig Silverman
Margo Smit
Hannah Storm
Margaret Sullivan
Olga Tokariuk
Rina Tsubaki
Karel van den Berg
Catherine Vieira
Farida Vis
Claire Wardle
Joanna Webster
Tony Wheeler
Nicholas Whitaker
Rob Wijnberg
Jillian York
Amanda Zamora
Ethan Zuckerman
Mikhail Zygar