‘Sanewashing’ Trump’s gibberish, how to survive and thrive as a journalistic podcast project, and the closure of feminist media organisations

The International Journalism Festival weekly round-up. Stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletterby following our Telegram channel, or by joining us on X and Facebook.

Media Confidential. Rebecca Solnit: ‘Sanewashing’ Trump’s gibberish. According to the writer, historian and activist Rebecca Solnit, US media are failing to cover Donald Trump properly. “His incapacity to be coherent is pretty much hidden from the public, unless they’re listening directly or reading alternative media,” she says

Survive and thrive by DW Akademie. Carl Javier of PumaPodcast, Philippines: how to survive and thrive as a journalistic podcast project. The CEO of PumaPodcast talks about the struggle to stay afloat with quality journalism in the Philippines’ highly competitive podcasting market

The closure of feminist media organisations: structural obstacles, fund crunches and the patriarchal rejection of progressive thought. In a post pandemic world of budget cuts and low funding, sustaining a feminist media platform becomes a great balancing act, difficult both emotionally and financially

Reporters face unique mental health risks in cross-border investigations. A new study looks at how to address them

The Intersection. Protecting the Amazon. Deforestation is threatening the survival of millions of species that make their home in the Amazon rainforest. Project Guacamaya is fighting to preserve the rainforest with AI by looking at daily pictures of Earth taken with satellites, observing animal behavior from within the rainforest with hidden cameras, and listening to forest sounds with tiny microphones. AI helps spot changes to monitor deforestation while identifying images and sounds, allowing scientists to protect biodiversity faster than ever before. Empowered by the AI for Good Lab, the future of the Amazon is changing for the better

Financial Times and Google News Initiative renew partnership to support 1,000 publishers. Helping news organisations globally to achieve digital transformation and develop sustainable business models

Content from our partner McKinsey & Company

The link between creating tech and creating business value is stronger than ever.
To meet the moment, company leaders and tech leaders must capture the rewards of this shift in mindset. McKinsey’s Aamer Baig, Jeffrey Lewis, Klemens Hjartar, Rob Cain, and Sven Blumberg explore how enterprise tech officers can make fundamental shifts in the way they operate in a new McKinsey Quarterly article.

‘They are putting their lives on the line every day to report’: the woman standing up for female journalists against rising repression. Pakistani reporter Kiran Nazish’s coalition has helped thousands of women being attacked or detained for their work. But, she warns, the situation has reached a crisis point

Hungary: smear campaign against media intensifies threats to press freedom. Pro-government outlets accuse European media network of information warfare in the service of foreign interests

‘Silenced’: Brazilian investigative journalist Juliana Dal Piva on facing threats from her reporting. The podcast Silenced, from the freedom of speech organization Article 19, tells the stories of journalists and activists around the world who have come up against government attempts to rein them in, or silence them

Big tech is painting itself as journalism’s savior. We should tread carefully. “We set out to explore how big tech’s ‘philanthrocapitalism’ could be reshaping the news industry, focusing on countries in the Global South… Our findings suggest an emerging web of dependency between cash-strapped newsrooms and Silicon Valley’s deep pockets.”

What’s become of The Times & Co.? As often as I am disappointed in and critical of them lately, I will not cancel my subscriptions to The New York Times or The Washington Post. They should be so lucky, for I will stay on their cases. I also wish to support the good reporting that still comes from them. By Jeff Jarvis

France: crash-test for press freedom as threats of media capture rise. The French media landscape needs to react quickly if it is to live up to the standards of a democracy that is at the mercy of a swing towards illiberalism and authoritarianism at every election

Contributors, Labor x Tech reporting network. Rest of World, with underwriting from the Ford Foundation, announces a new opportunity for reporters native to regions outside the West who want to produce deeply reported work on how tech impacts labor and workers around the world. Deadline for applications 4 October 2024

Image credit: Media Confidential by Prospect Magazine